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USB - PTT, Secure Voice Corded USB - PTT, Secure Voice

Secure Voice means that, by default, microphone audio is disabled, or muted. Depressing the PTT button turns the microphone on. Secure Voice products do not send a PTT signal to the host system. 4 pin Quick Disconnect

Starting At$230.00


  • SHS 2626-14: Momentary Only PTT, w/ Serial Number

    PN: 92626-14

  • SHS 2626-12: Selectable PTT, w/ Serial Number

    PN: 92626-12

  • SHS 2626-13: Momentary Only PTT

    PN: 92626-13

  • SHS 2626-11: Selectable PTT

    PN: 92626-11



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