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Poly Grant Assistance Program

Poly is pleased to offer a wide array of free grant services. The PGAP team connects you to resources specifically to meet the needs of your organization. Our network of experts are here to help you through the grant process—from grant identification and application to post-award administrative support.

General Education

An introduction to alternative funding.


Developing an understanding of each specific organization and then researching and creating a customized strategy.


Our consultants closely monitor granting agencies and provide Grant Alerts when “grants of interest” are released.

Grant Education

The PGAP team provides grant summaries, eliminating your need to wade through hundreds of pages of grant guidelines. We regularly host webinars and provide other informational opportunities to educate you about grants as they are released. We may be available to provide free grant workshops—ask about sponsoring a program with your agency and community partners today.


Our expert consultants specialize in taking you through a pre-qualification process, helping to ensure the “grant of interest” is a good fit for your organization. If we find you’re not likely to be competitive for a specific grant, we’ll help you find another funding source that’s a better fit!

Grant Writing Support

The PGAP network of consultants and grant-writing experts across the country specialize in meeting your specific needs. Where allowed by the agency, services can include writing assistance, editing support, budget development and budget narrative recommendations to support your technology solutions.

Post-Award Support

Perhaps the most intimidating part of the grant process occurs after you’ve received an award. Many organizations find the process of reimbursement, audit and other required paperwork a bit daunting. The PGAP consultants are happy to provide support, ensuring you’re in compliance and helping to move your project forward in a timely manner.

Learn More

For more information, please contact us.