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Provisioning Voice Devices

The following onboarding options are focused on bulk onboard of voice devices, or to onboard these devices to be managed by the model policies in Poly Lens. To onboard a single, or a few devices into Poly Lens see PIN/Registration Code for Voice Devices.

Onboard a Single UC Device using Provisioning

To onboard (register) a single device into Poly Lens, the device Web Configuration Utility is used.
See Supported Voice Devices for a list of supported Voice Device models for this procedure.

  1. You must be logged into Poly Lens, and have created an account.
  2. Device Provisioning must be enabled on the account. See Device Provisioning on an Account.
  3. On the Device Provisioning page, select the copy icon, located after the Provisioning Server Address, this will copy the server address to the clipboard.
  4. Open the device Web Configuration Utility.
  5. Select Settings > Provisioning Server.
  6. Paste the copied Provisioning Server Address into the Server Address field.
  7. Set the Server Type to HTTPS.
  8. Enter the Server User name and Password that you entered in step 3 above.
    Note: If you have forgotten the Server Password, click the view icon next to the password on the Device Provisioning page in Lens, the password will be displayed and copied to the clipboard for your convienence.
  9. Click Save.

Trio Web Interface showing Settings / Provisioning Server configuration

  1. Click Yes to save the configuration file.
  2. The device will reboot, click OK to refresh the Web Configuration Utility screen.
  3. Verify the device is in Poly Lens.

Onboard Devices via the Provisioning via DHCP Auto Discovery

You can onboard (register) a number of devices in a group into Poly Lens.
See Supported Voice Devices for a list of supported Voice Device models for this procedure.

  1. You must be logged into Poly Lens, and have created an account.
  2. Device Provisioning must be enabled on the account. See Device Provisioning on an Account.
  3. On the Device Provisioning page, select the copy icon, located after the Provisioning Server Address, this will copy the address to the clipboard.
  4. Provide this information to the Poly Lens account DHCP owner.
    a. DHCP Option Format: https://<ServerUser>:<Password>@<ProvisioningServerAddressURL>.
    b. Your network environment will vary based on your deployment, however, Options 66, 160, or 161 may commonly be used based on your device type.

Initial Parameters that are being Set by the Provisioning Service

The following parameters are set by the provisioning service.

Friendly NameSettings NameValue
Enable Automatic Provisional Pollingprov.polling.enabled1
Provisional Polling Modeprov.polling.moderel
Relative Period Between Polling Requestsprov.polling.period86400
Polling Start Timeprov.polling.time03:00
Polling End Timeprov.polling.timeRandomEnd05:00
Enable REST API Interfaceapps.restapi.enabled1
Enable HTTP Serverhttpd.enabled1
Enable Web Admin Portalhttpd.cfg.enabled1
Screen Captureup.screenCapture.enabled1
Enable Poly Lensfeature.lens.enabled1
Enable Legacy Polycom Cloudfeature.pcc.enabled0
Enable ObiTalk Cloudfeature.obitalk.enabled="0"0
Enable Lens Reporting (for VVX)feature.da.enabled="1"1
Lens Cloud Environmentpcc.url0ne00092668