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PMP to Lens Migration POC

Setup your Migration Account

PMP Production Account – Add New Poly Admin

In order to start the Policy Migration on your behalf, the Development team will also need Admin access to your current Production PMP Tenant with anonymized data. Your current PMP tenant will see no changes, this will only allow the team to run the Migration on the back end.

Create a New Poly Lens Account

  1. Go to and login, or setup a login. See Login for detailed information.
  2. Select Account > Manage Account > Add New.
    Note: Poly recommends naming your Account using the following convention: 'your company name' PMP to Lens. For example:

Poly Lens screenshot of Add Account

Note: This Account must be treated as a temporary / sandbox environment. During the POC, it may be necessary to delete the Account and start over with a new Account.

Invite Poly Team to the Newly Created Account

  1. Select Account > Manage Account > Poly PMP to Lens.
  2. Select Account Members > Add New.

Poly Lens popup window for Invitation to PMP to Lens POC

  1. Invite the following Poly users with the Admin role to your Account.

    Note: Poly will add additional users to this Account to expand our ability to assist with the migration and address customer questions.

  2. Once the invitation to your new Account is received, Poly will enable your Account to gain access to POC features specific to the migration. Please allow two business days for this step. Poly will notify you when this step has been completed.

Deploy ‘Loginless’ Version of Poly Lens Desktop Application

  1. Early access documentation can be found at Integrations.
  2. Create a Client Token. See Integrations - Client Tokens for detailed information.

Poly Lens Integration > Client Tokens window displaying tokens

  1. Download the Lens Desktop Client.
    Note: TheLoginless feature is only supported by the MS Windows version of the Lens Desktop client.
    • Select ACCOUNT menu > Manage Accounts.
    • Select an Account from the list.
    • Select App Deployment from the side tabs.
    • Select Download Poly Lens Desktop > For PC.
      Note: Must be version 1.1.21 or greater.

Poly Lens Integration > Client Tokens window displaying tokens

  1. Package the Poly Lens Desktop client for deployment by Microsoft System Center Configuration (SCCM). See Loginless Configuration with Poly Lens Desktop App.
    Note: Before installing the Loginless version of the Lens Desktop, the IT Admin should first uninstall all instances of either the Plantronics PLT Hub or Poly Lens Desktop client software.
  2. Deploy the Lens Desktop client to a small set of test computers.

Policy Migration

Once the Lens migration Account has been created and the Poly Team Admins have been invited to the Account, we will arrange a suitable time to proceed with a PMP policy migration. You will receive an email notification once the migration has been completed.

Policy Migration – Initial Scope

The following PMP device policies will be included in the initial migration:

  • Active policies designated for All Users
  • Voyager Focus (PID 127) and Focus Series 2 (PID 154 and 162) - Settings and Firmware Update Policies
  • SAVI W7xx and W7xx-M (PID AC01 and AC11) - Settings and Firmware Update Policies

As we continue to add support for more device policies, the Poly engineering team will initiate additional migrations and you will continue to receive subsequent email notifications once each migration is complete. Please note that with each iteration, any previous device policies may be deleted or overwritten.

Firmware Version Update Policies

Currently, PMP Firmware Update Policies will be migrated to Lens and enabled with the Auto-Update with Latest Version deployment option. This option automatically notifies end-users of the latest FW version published and provides an option to update or delay the update. Further changes to the firmware version update deployment process are in development.

Policy Migration Validation

Once you have been notified of a completed migration, we ask that you review the policy migration results within the Lens portal and verify end-user operation with Lens Desktop.

Note: Before registering your Lens Desktop clients with the Lens migration Account, uninstall any prior versions of Plantronics Hub Desktop from your clients. It is highly recommended NOT to run Plantronics Hub Desktop and Lens Desktop concurrently on any system to avoid unexpected conflicts.

Releases Notes


NODATA=1 Deployment Option
Enabling the NODATA option disables ALL Lens cloud-side functionality for the management of deployed Loginless clients and users. Impacted functionality for Loginless Clients/Users includes:

  • Manage: Inventory, Actions, Policy Sites, Rooms Device Users & Group, Insights
  • Insights: Priority

Manage > Device Users page
The Loginless client (aka user) data is not shown on this page. Future releases will include the display of a client record representing the user and their linked devices. Device Groups are currently not usable for Loginless client deployments until this enhancement is released.

Migration errors for device models with multiple PIDs
Currently policy migrations do not support the merging of multiple PMP settings and update policies into a single Lens device model policy, resulting in error messages being noted in the migration notification.

This is specifically relevant to PMP policies associated with both PIDs in the device model, such as:

  • Voyager Focus Series 2 policies associated with both PID 154 and 162
  • SAVI W7xx/W7xx-M policies associated with both PID AC01 and AC11

Despite the error in the migration notification, the migration process will still complete successfully, using the most relevant PMP device policy to create the Lens device model policy.