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Import Configuration Files

The Import Export & Migrate features allows you to migrate existing accounts, devices, device groups and sites into Poly Lens.

Import a CSV File

The import feature allows you to import a large file containing device information, configuration, associated policies, groups, sites, etc. The following provides guidance on assembling this file and the import process.

CSV File Creation

See Import File Guidance for detailed information on file creation and modification for Import.

Importing Process

Import Devices

Once the file is attached and uploaded, you can choose how the file will be processed.

  • Replace all existing Device Policy (Default): will remove any settings that have been previously associated to the device found in the import file and apply the new settings as defined within the uploaded CSV file.
  • Merge existing Device Policy: will apply all parameters defined within the uploaded CSV and add them to the existing device policy. Parameters that are already defined within a particular devices policy will be overridden by what’s contained in the uploaded CSV.

In either case, devices that are not defined in the uploaded CSV will not be modified or removed from your inventory.

After specifying the processing method, click Import to begin the import. The results will be provided after the process completes. If any errors occurred, a text file specifying the errors will be available for download.

Note: Devices that are already claimed by another Poly Lens account will generate an error during import and will be skipped as device may only exist in one Poly Lens Account.

Import Groups, Sites, and Models

Once the file is attached and uploaded, you can begin the import. All existing policy settings for the defined combination of Group and Model or Site and Model or Model will be overwritten and replaced with what is defined in the uploaded CSV file.
Any Model Policy for an existing Group or Site that is updated by the uploaded CSV without the Model being defined in the import file for the Group/Model or Site/Model combination will not be modified and will retain its existing Policy definition. Groups, Sites, or Models not contained within the uploaded file will not be modified.

Import Procedure

The Import procedure is the same for all of the configuration parameters listed above.

  1. To create the .csv file there are 2 options:
    • There is a template provided to create the .csv file. Select the Download Template link. Enter the information into the template.
    • Export a file to modify and import back into Poly Lens:
      See Export Device Policies
  2. When the zipped CSV files are created, go to Admin menu icon Admin menu > Advanced Tools.
  3. Expand the section of the Import type you are requiring (Devices, Device Groups, Sites, Device Models).
  4. There are two methods of attaching a file:
    • Click the dialog box and locate the file to import.
    • Drag-and-drop a file onto the blue square on the dialog box.
  5. After a file has been attached, additional options are displayed, review and select the following options:
  6. Select Import to begin the import process.
  7. Select Done.
    Note: If there is an error when importing the file, an error log will display, directing you to the fields that caused the errors.

Export Device Policies

The following process exports all of the Device information on the open Account to a CSV file. This file is zipped and saved in your Downloads folder on your PC.
Note: Non-provisionable devices will not be exported.
You can manage device parameters, including those that are not available in the Poly Lens interface, in the CSV file and import the file back into Poly Lens.

  1. In Poly Lens go to Admin menu icon Admin menu > Advanced Tools.
  2. Expand the Export > Devices section.
  3. Select Export.
  4. All the device information on the open Account is exported to a zipped CSV file.
  5. Open the file and update the device configuration as needed. For management of device parameters, see the specific endpoint device documentation for details.
    Note: See Import File Guidance for detailed information on the CSV file management.
  6. Import the CSV file back into Poly Lens to apply the changes.

Note: To Export the Account's Inventory see Export Device Inventory.

Migrate an Existing Account

  1. Export the configuration data from PDMS-E. See PDMS-E Export Procedure.
  2. When the zipped CSV files are complete, go to Admin menu icon Admin menu > Advanced Tools.
    Note: The Import is is only available in an Account that has no devices associated with it.
  3. Expand the Migration Tools section.
  4. There are two methods of attaching a file:
    • Click the dialog box and locate the file to import.
    • Drag-and-drop a file onto the blue square on the dialog box.
  5. Select Import to begin the process.
  6. Select Done.
    Note: If there is an error when importing the file, an error log will display, directing you to the fields that caused the errors.