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Device Inventory

The Device Inventory page provides the initial access to the registered devices in your account. This page can be viewed in a List view or a Map view.
Note: For the most current status on the Inventory list between polling cycles, refresh the page.

To set the View Preference, see Default Inventory View Preference.

For your convenience, we have provided links to all the devices supported by Poly Lens, to assist you in the configuration and operation of these devices. See Device Documentation.

List View

The Device Inventory List View displays each device and its basic information. Simply click on the Device Name link and the Device Details page will open.

For detailed information on managing the following list, see List Management.

Date AddedThe date the device was connected to the Account. This field is Hidden by default. Note: A date of "Before 05/18/21" indicates that the device was added to the Account before this feature was released.
Date Last SeenThe date the device was last detected. This field is Hidden by default.
Device ModelThe model of the device.
Device NameThe name of the device set in Poly Lens or on the Device web interface.
Last Provisioning SyncThe date of the last update from the provisioning server. This field is Hidden by default. Note: - (dash) indicates that the device is not provisioned.
LinesWhen there is line information available a Phone icon Phone icon is displayed. Select the icon and the Line information is displayed (line number, status, registration type, domain, and registration address).
Linked DevicesIndicates one or more devices is connected to the device.
Linked Devices icon Linked Devices - This icon displays on the Inventory page in the Linked Devices column and indicates that one or more devices are connected to this device. Selecting this icon displays information about the linked devices and their online status. Note: Each device listed is a link to the device details page.
Unlinked Devices icon Unlinked Devices - This icon displays on the Inventory page in the Linked Devices column and indicates that one or more devices are disconnected from this device. Selecting this icon displays information about the linked devices and their online status. Note: Each device listed is a link to the device details page.
MAC AddressThe MAC address of the device.
Poly+Indicates, with a checkmark, that Poly+ is applied on this device.
Private IPA private IP address is assigned to a device within a closed network.
ProviderThe Provider currently running on a Poly VideoOS device. Providers: Poly, 8x8 Meeting Rooms, GoToRoom, Microsoft Teams, RingCentral Rooms, StarLeaf, and Zoom Rooms.
Note: Currently not supported on a UCS device.
RoomThe room that the device is located.
Serial NumberThe serial number of the device.
SiteThe site location of the device.
Software VersionThe software version of the device.
StateThe provisioning icon displays when the device has been provisioned. If you wand over this icon, a popup will display with additional information.
Green Provisioned device icon Provisioned (Active) icon: Indicates that the provisioned device has communicated with the provisioning server within the last 24 hours.
Provisioned device icon Provisioned icon: Indicates that the provisioned device has not communicated with the provisioning server within the last 24 hours.
Gray icon with clock for a Staged device icon Staged icon: Indicates that the device has been staged to be provisioned.
Note: When the device is in provisioning mode, only the provision-based settings and updates are displayed.
StatusGreen dot icon icon - Indicates if the device is Online, which means the device is powered on, connected to a network and reporting data to the Poly Lens cloud. If you wand over this icon, a popup will display with the Online/Offline status.
Note: This indicator does not display for devices that do not provide status (example: Poly microphone).
Red dot icon icon - Indicates if the device is Offline, which means the device is not connected to a network. If you wand over this icon, a popup will display with the Online/Offline status.
Note: This indicator does not display for devices that do not provide status (example: Poly microphone).

Map Views

The map view allows you to view all the devices in your account by location. This view uses a standard display of a circle for locations, and the size of the circle represents the number of devices at that location.

  • Zoom - Using the map zoom to focus on a specific area of the map applies a geofilter to the map. The number of devices displayed will be modified to the number now displayed in the enlarged map. If the view is switched to the List view, the list will display only those devices displayed in the enlarged map. This filter can be removed by selecting Clear Geofilter.

Add a Device

To add a device to the inventory.

  1. Select Manage > Inventory > Add.
  2. See Onboarding Process for detailed information.

Group Devices

To group selected devices.

  1. Select Manage > Inventory.
  2. Select the checkbox associated with the Provisioned devices that you would like to group.
  3. Select from the Group dropdown options:
    • Create New Group: Enter a Group Name and select Create.
    • Add to Existing Group: Search for an existing Group Name and select Add.
      See Device Groups for detailed information on Groups.

Delete Device

  1. Select Manage > Inventory.
  2. Select the checkbox for the Device(s) to delete from Poly Lens.
  3. Select Delete Device. Note: The Delete Device button will reflect the number of devices you have selected from the list.
  4. Select Delete to confirm.
    Caution: This action cannot be undone.
  5. The selected device(s) are deleted from Poly Lens and are removed from the list.

Dial Out

This option allows you to make a call from a voice device.
Note: This feature is only available for Generic SIP Profiles.

  1. Select Manage > Inventory.
  2. Select the checkbox for an online Voice Device to make a call from.
  3. Select Dial Out. Note: The Dial Out button will appear only when a online voice device is selected.
  4. Enter a Call To number.
  5. Select a Dial Type from the dropdown list. Options are SIP, TEL, and H.323.
  6. Enter a line number.
  7. Select Dial Out.
  8. If successful, a message will appear.

Export Device Inventory

This option allows you to export all the devices in the Inventory of the open Account, including all the of the device information and configuration. This data is exported into a CSV file, where you can use this information as needed.

  1. Select Manage > Inventory.
  2. Select Export Device Inventory.
  3. A message will appear that the download has started.
  4. When complete a CSV file with the entire inventory is downloaded.