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Device Details

The Device page provides you with all the device information and access to device settings that you will need to manage this device properly.

To access the Device page:

  1. If you have more than one Account, make sure you are in the correct Account for the following procedure.
  2. Go to Manage > Inventory.
  3. Locate the device from the list and select the Device Name to open the Device page.


The Details side tab displays the device information for the selected device. This page allows you to:

  • Edit the device information
  • Restart the device remotely
  • Reset the device back to factory defaults
  • Make a call (Dial Out) from a Voice device
  • Delete this device from Poly Lens
  • Be notified if the device is in an active call

Device Inventory Detail Icons

Device NameThe name of the device set in Poly Lens or on the Device System Web Interface.
Online/Offline iconGreen dot icon icon - Indicates the device is Online, whicn means the device is powered on, connected to a network and reporting data to the Poly Lens cloud. If you wand over this icon, a popup will display with the Online/Offline status.
Note: This indicator does not display for devices that do not provide status (example: Poly microphone).
Red dot icon icon - Indicates the device is Offline, which means the device is not connected to a network. If you wand over this icon, a popup will display with the Online/Offline status.
Note: This indicator does not display for devices that do not provide status (example: Poly microphone).
Provision iconThe provisioning icon displays when the device has been provisioned. If you wand over this icon, a popup will display with additional information.
Green Provisioned device icon Provisioned (Active) icon: Indicates that the provisioned device has communicated with the provisioning server within the last 24 hours.
Provisioned device icon Provisioned icon: Indicates that the provisioned device has not communicated with the provisioning server within the last 24 hours.
Gray icon with clock for a Staged device icon Staged icon: Indicates that the device has been staged to be provisioned.
Note: When the device is in provisioning mode, only the provision based settings and updates are displayed.

Device Information

Serial NumberThe serial number of the device.
MAC AddressThe MAC address of the device.
Private IPA private IP address is assigned to a device within a closed network.
Software VersionThe software version of the device.
Public IPA public IP address is an address that is assigned to a device that is connected to the internet.
ProviderThe Provider currently running on a Poly VideoOS device. Providers: Zoom Rooms, GoToRoom, 8x8 Meeting Rooms, RingCentral Rooms, and StarLeaf.
Note: Currently not supported on a UCS device.

Location Information

RoomThe room that the device is located.
SiteThe site location of the device.
AddressThe address of the device.


Last Provisioning SyncThe date of the last update from the provisioning server. Note: - (dash) indicates that the device is not provisioned.
Date AddedThe date the device was connected to the Account. Note: A date of "Before 05/18/21" indicates that the device was added to the Account before this feature was released.
Date Last SeenThe date the device was last detected.

Linked Devices

The Linked Devices section will appear when a device is attached to the device being viewed. A graphic of the linked device is shown with a name and a link to the Device Details page for easy access.

The supported Poly devices are:

  • Microphones
  • Cameras
  • Tablets
  • Speakers
  • Remote Controls
  • IP Devices (Trio, X50, X30)

Poly VideoOS devices require software version 3.4 to support this feature.

Linked Device icon / Unlinked Device iconThe Linked Device icon Linked Device icon is displayed when the linked device is successfully linked to this device.
The Unlinked Device icon Unlinked Devices icon is displayed when the device is currently not linked to this device.
Device ModelThe name of the device set in Poly Lens or on the Device System Web Interface. Note: This Model Name is a link to the Device Details page for the linked device.
MAC AddressThe MAC address of the device.
Software VersionThe software version of the device.
Last DetectedThe latest date that Poly Lens detected this device.

Group Membership

The Group Membership displays all the groups that this device belongs to and the basic information of the group. You can quickly go to the group, with the Group Name link. You can also add or remove this device from a group from this page. See Manage Device Groups for more information on Device Groups.

PrecedenceDisplays the list of groups in the order of precedence. The order can be reversed with the arrow icon on the right of the column heading.
Note: You can change the precedence level of a group by selecting a group and dragging to the place in the list.
Group NameThe name of the group. Note: This is a link to the group.
Model CountThe number of different models in this group.
Policy CountThe number of different policies in this group.
Device CountThe number of devices in this group.

Edit Device

To edit a device that is in your account.

  1. In Poly Lens, go to Manage > Inventory.
  2. Locate the device to edit and click the Device Name to open the Details page.
  3. Select Edit Device.
  4. Edit the device information as needed.
  5. Select Save Changes.

Restart Device

To restart your device remotely from Poly Lens.
Warning: Restarting your device will end active calls, and the device will be offline for several minutes during this process.

  1. In Poly Lens, go to Manage > Inventory.
  2. Locate the device to restart and select the Device Name to open the Details page.
  3. Select Restart Device.
  4. Select Restart.

Factory Reset

To reset the device back to factory defaults from Poly Lens.
Warning: This process will restart your device and will end active calls, the device will be offline for several minutes during this process.

  1. In Poly Lens, go to Manage > Inventory.
  2. Locate the device to reset and select the Device Name to open the Details page.
  3. Select Factory Reset.
  4. The system will reset back to the factory defaults settings, and the system will restart.

Dial Out

This option allows you to make a call from a voice device.

  1. Select Manage > Inventory.
  2. Select a Voice Device that is Online, from the list to make a call from.
  3. Select Details from the side tabs.
  4. Select Dial Out.
    Note: The Dial Out button will appear only when in an online voice device.
  5. Enter a Call To number.
  6. Select a Dial Type from the dropdown list. Options are SIP, TEL, and H.323.
  7. Enter a line number.
  8. Select Dial Out.
  9. If successful, a message will appear.

Delete Device

To delete a device in your Poly Lens account.

  1. In Poly Lens, go to Manage > Inventory.
  2. Locate the device to delete and select the Device Name to open the Details page.
    Note: To delete a connected device, select the connected device. To delete a connected device, the device must be listed but not connected.
  3. Select Delete Device.
    Important: This action cannot be undone.
  4. Select Delete to confirm.
  5. The device will be removed from the Device Inventory list.
  6. To finalize the delete of the device, go to the web configuration utility of the device and disable provisioning.
    • Voice Device - On the web configuration utility, go to Settings > Provisioning
    • Video Device - On the web configuration utility, go to Server > Provisioning
    • USB Device - On the web configuration utility, go to Admin Settings > Provisioning

Note: To stop sending data to Poly Lens, once the device is deleted, on the device web configuration utility go to Servers > Cloud and uncheck the Preference - I agree to participate in the collection of usage data that will allow Poly to improve their products and services and reboot the device.

Active Call Notification

When on the Device Details page, if the device is currently on a call an Active Call green indicator will appear next to the device name at the top of the Device Details page. If you make an attempt to modify the device configuration, the system will warn you that you may interfere with the call in-progress. This indicator will no longer display when the call has ended.


The Settings side bar tab opens the Device Settings page for the selected device.

Note: The Settings option is not available until Device Provisioning is enabled. See Enable Device Provisioning on an Account.


The Troubleshooting side bar tab currently opens the troubleshooting features available on this device. See Troubleshooting for detailed information on these features.


The Analysis side bar tab currently opens the Analysis insight feature available on all devices. This feature allows you to configure charts to perform an analysis specifically on this device. See Analysis for detailed information on this feature.