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Manage from Sites

The Poly Lens Site feature allows you to locate and manage your devices by Site.

Note: For devices that have no association:

Manage Sites

The Manage Sites page displays a summary of all the Sites associated with the Account. This page is accessed by selecting Manage > Sites.

For detailed information on managing the following list, see List Management.

SiteThe Sites associated with this Account. Note: Each Site name is a link to the Site Overview page.
RoomsThe number of Rooms associated with this Site.
DevicesThe number of devices associated with this Site.
% OnlineThe percentage the devices online at this Site.

Add a Site

To add a Site to an Account.

  1. Select the Account to add a Site to:
    • Select the Account selector from the Poly Lens menu bar. Note: The current opened Account will display.
    • Select the down arrow to display the list of Accounts that you have access to, or you can enter an Account name in the search field.
    • Select an Account from the list.
  2. Select Manage > Sites.
  3. Select Add New.
  4. Enter the Site Name and Address.
  5. Select Add Site
  6. The new Site has been added to the Account.

Remove a Site

To remove a Site from an Account.
Note: When a Site is removed from an Account the Rooms associated with the Sites are also removed, and the devices associated with the Site are now classified as Unassigned.

  1. Select the Account that you want to remove a Site from.
    • Select the account selector from the Poly Lens menu bar. Note: The current opened account is displayed.
    • Select the down arrow to display the list of Accounts that you have access to, or you can enter an Account name in the search field.
    • Select an Account from the list.
  2. Select Manage > Sites.
  3. Select the Site(s) to remove from the Account.
  4. Select Remove Site.
  5. Select Remove to confirm.
  6. The selected Site(s) has been removed from the Account.

Open a Site

To open a Site in your Account.

  1. Select Manage > Sites.
  2. Select a Site from the list.
  3. The Site Overview page will display for the Site selected.


The Site Overview page allows you to view the Site's Rooms or Devices, by selecting the associated button.

RoomsDisplays all the Rooms for the Site, and the following information for each room:
Note: Each Room name is a link to the Overview page for the Room.
Room - The name of the Room. Click the name to open the Room page, listing the devices in that Room.
Devices - The number of devices that are in the room.
% Online - The percentage of the devices in the room that are online.
Add New - This button allows you to quicky add a Room to the Site.
Remove Room - This button allows you to remove a Room(s) from the Site.
DevicesDisplays all the devices at the site, and the following information for each device:
Note: Each Device name is a link to the Device Details page.
Device Name - The name of the Device. Click the name to open the Device Details page.
Private IP - A private IP address is assigned to a device within a closed network.
MAC Address - The MAC address of the device.
Room - The room where the device is located.
Device Model - The device model type.
Software Version - The current version of software on the device. Note: You can Restart devices from a Site.


The Settings tab allows you to set the General information and the Device Association for the Site.

GeneralThe General tab allows you to modify the Site name and address.
Device AssociationThis option allows you to define Public and Private Subnet ranges for this Site. Once this is defined, any device that is onboarded that falls into these subnet ranges will be automatically associated with this Site. Note: Additional subnet ranges can be set for the Site. For detailed information, see Device Site Association with an Subnet Range.


The Analysis side bar tab currently opens the Analysis insight feature available on all devices. This feature allows you to configure charts to perform an analysis specifically on this device. See Analysis for detailed information on this feature.

Manage Devices from a Site

You can easily access and manage your devices directly from a specific Site.

  1. Select Manage > Sites.
  2. Select a Site from the list.
  3. Select the Overview side tab.
  4. Select a Device:
    • Select the Rooms tab and then select a device from the Room.
    • Select the Device tab and select a device from the Site.
  5. The Device Details page opens for the device.

Restart Devices from a Site


This feature requires Poly+.

To restart all the online devices in a Site.
Note: This procedure does not support devices that are associated through Poly Lens Desktop. See Supported Devices for a list of supported device models.

  1. Select Manage > Sites.
  2. Select a Site from the list.
  3. Select the Overview side tab.
  4. Select the Devices tab.
  5. Select Restart Devices.
    Note: This button requires Poly+ to display.
  6. Select Restart to confirm.
    Note: Currently this restarts all the supported devices at the Site and cannot be undone.