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Assign a Device to a Site

All devices that did not get assigned a Site during the onboarding process are labeled Unassigned. To assign a device to a Site do one of the following:

Manually Assign a Device

To manually assign a device to a Site.

  1. Select Manage > Inventory.
  2. Select a Device from the list.
  3. Click Edit Device.
  4. Create a new Site (type in the new Site name) or select an existing Site from the dropdown list.
  5. Click Save Changes.

Automatically Assign Devices by IP Address

To automatically assign devices to a Site by IP adress.

  1. Select Manage > Sites.
  2. Select a Site from the list to assign devices to, or create a new Site.
  3. Select Settings > Device Association.
  4. Enter the public and private subnet ranges for the Site.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Once the IP addresses are defined for a Site, any onboarded or existing device within the IP subnet ranges will be automatically associated with that Site. For additional information see Device Site Association with an IP Subnet Range.