GETRetrieves a list of conferences matching the input query parameters that the user is authorized to view. Propagation Delay: Note that the data retrieved by this method may be a few seconds out of date. It may not reflect the most recent changes, including changes made through the API. Users with Provisioner or Administrator roles can retrieve all conferences on the DMA system. Users without these roles can only retrieve conferences happening in rooms that they own. Applied to RPRM, users without permissions can not retrieve conferences. Users only own the Conference Operator(Restricted) permission can only retrieve conferences that they own. [tags: DMA,RPRM] RequestQuery Parameters
POSTCreates a subscription to a list of conferences the user is authorized to view. The consumer must implement plcm-conference-observer.wadl. Updates are sent to the subscription observer based upon the user role/ownership. Any user may subscribe to a conference list. Users with Provisioner or Administrator roles will receive updates about all conferences on the DMA. Users without these roles will only receive updates about conferences happening in rooms that they own. [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentationsResponse
GETRetrieves conference manager usage details. [tags: DMA] RequestQuery Parameters
GETRetrieves conference manager usage details across all clusters. [tags: DMA] Response
GETRetrieves a list of conferences matching the device-identifier. [tags: RPRM] RequestQuery Parameters
POSTActivates the conference for the specified conference room. Conferences activated using the API will wait up to five minutes for the first participant to arrive. After that, they will become inactive within ten seconds of the last participant leaving. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
GETRetrieves an active conference. Propagation Delay: Note that the data retrieved by this method may be a few seconds out of date. It may not reflect the most recent changes, including changes made through the API. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
DELETEEnds a conference and disconnects all participants. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
POSTCreates a subscription to the specified conference. The consumer must implement plcm-conference-observer.wadl. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
display-text | xs:string | The text to display for this conference |
POSTSets the conference display text. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
layout-name | xs:string | The name that reflects how participants are placed on the screen such as "2 horizontal by 2 vertical". This example would place four participants in a 2-by-2 grid layout. |
POSTSets the conference layout format that is displayed on an endpoint's screen. The API client must first read the desired conference. The conference resource will contain the list of supported layouts. The API client can pick one of the supported layout names, then supply it in this method's {layout-name} path parameter. The API client must apply URL encoding on this parameter since it contains spaces. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
POSTLocks all new participants out of a running conference. The API client must supply unique conference identifier in this method's {conference-identifier} path parameter. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
POSTUnlocks a running conference to allow new participants to enter the conference. The API client must supply unique conference identifier in this method's {conference-identifier} path parameter. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
POSTBegins recording of the conference. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
POSTEnds recording of the conference. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
POSTAttempts to promote WebRTC conference from MESH to MCU mixer. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
POSTAttempts to transition a WebRTC conference from an MCU back to MESH. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
POSTMute all participants except for the list of participant IDs passed in. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
POSTUnmute all participants. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
POSTSuspends the video from all participants except for the list of participant Ids passed in. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
POSTResumes the video from all participants. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
POSTMutes the audio of all existing participants and new callers upon joining the conference. The conference chair is excluded from this. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. Note: This operation works only with MFW-compatible RMXs. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
apply-to-existing-participants | xs:boolean | Boolean value, true causes existing conference participants to be audio muted, false will preserve the audio mute state of existing participants. Note: This operation works only with MFW-compatible RMXs. |
POSTMutes the audio of new callers upon joining the conference. Audio of existing participants will also be muted if the parameter apply-to-existing-participants is true. The conference chair is excluded from this. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
POSTDeprecated. This will be removed in a future release. Use 'unmute-all' instead. Unmutes the audio of all existing participants and new callers upon joining the conference. The conference chair is excluded from this. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. Note: This operation works only with MFW-compatible RMXs. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
apply-to-existing-participants | xs:boolean | Boolean value: True causes existing conference participants to be audio unmuted, and false will preserve the audio mute state of existing participants. Note: This operation works only with MFW-compatible RMXs. |
POSTUnmutes the audio of new callers upon joining the conference. Audio of existing participants will also be unmuted if the parameter apply-to-existing-participants is true. The conference chair is excluded from this. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
POSTSuspends the video from all existing participants and new callers upon joining the conference. The conference chair is excluded from this. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. Note: This operation works only with MFW-compatible RMXs. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
apply-to-existing-participants | xs:boolean | Boolean value, true causes existing conference participants to be video suspended, false will preserve the video suspend state of existing participants. Note: This operation works only with MFW-compatible RMXs. |
POSTSuspends the video of new callers upon joining the conference. Video of existing participants will also be suspended if the parameter apply-to-existing-participants is true. The conference chair is excluded from this. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
POSTDeprecated. This will be removed in a future release. Use 'resume-video-all' instead. Resumes the video from all existing participants and new callers upon joining the conference. The conference chair is excluded from this. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. Note: This operation works only with MFW-compatible RMXs. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
apply-to-existing-participants | xs:boolean | Boolean value, true causes existing conference participants to be video resumed, false will preserve the video suspend state of existing participants. Note: This operation works only with MFW-compatible RMXs. |
POSTResumes the video of new callers upon joining the conference. Video of existing participants will also be resumed if the parameter apply-to-existing-participants is true. The conference chair is excluded from this. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
join-muted | xs:boolean | Boolean value, true causes all new inbound calls to be muted upon joining conference, false leaves them unmuted. This setting does not affect dialouts. |
POSTSets mute state of new callers when added to a conference. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
POSTA request to make the specified participant the lecturer for this conference. [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
POSTCreates and initiates a dial out to a new conference participant. Currently the only elements in plcm-participant that have any effect for dial out are: dial-string, forward-dtmf-source, passback, and passthru; with dial-string being the only mandatory field for this case. The conference-identifier element can optionally be set, but if it is, it must match the conference-identifier of the resource that is receiving the POST. All other fields in plcm-participant are completely ignored. The dial-string field specifies the string that should be dialed to connect to the desired endpoint. For SIP calls, the dial-string must be a well-formed SIP or SIPS URI. If dial-string is not a SIP or SIPS URI, then an H.323 call will be attempted. TEL URIs are not supported. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. An H.323 call to an encrypted conference will not work, even if the endpoint supports encryption. createParticipant_v2 takes plcm-dial-out-participant-v2 as the request body, not plcm-participant. [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
GETRetrieves a list of participants for the conference. Propagation Delay: Note that the data retrieved by this method may be a few seconds out of date. It may not reflect the most recent changes, including changes made through the API. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
POSTCreates a subscription to the specified list of participants. The consumer must implement plcm-participant-observer.wadl. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
participant-identifier | xs:string | The participant identifier |
GETRetrieves a participant. Propagation Delay: Note that the data retrieved by this method may be a few seconds out of date. It may not reflect the most recent changes, including changes made through the API. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
POSTCreates a subscription to the specified participants. The consumer must implement plcm-participant-observer.wadl. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
participant-identifier | xs:string | The participant identifier |
POSTMutes audio on the participant. This method will not indicate if an internal failure occurred. Instead, it is recommended that the API client retrieve the participant resource to ensure the state has changed. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
participant-identifier | xs:string | The participant identifier |
POSTUnmutes audio on the participant. This method will not indicate if an internal failure occurred. Instead, it is recommended that the API client retrieve the participant resource to ensure the state has changed. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
participant-identifier | xs:string | The participant identifier |
POSTSuspends video on the participant. This method will not indicate if an internal failure occurred. Instead, it is recommended that the API client retrieve the participant resource to ensure the state has changed. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
participant-identifier | xs:string | The participant identifier |
POSTResumes video on the participant. This method will not indicate if an internal failure occurred. Instead, it is recommended that the API client retrieve the participant resource to ensure the state has changed. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
participant-identifier | xs:string | The participant identifier |
POSTDisconnects the participant. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
participant-identifier | xs:string | The participant identifier |
display-name | xs:string | The participant name to display |
POSTSets the participant's display name. This method will not indicate if an internal failure occurred. Instead, it is recommended that the API client retrieve the participant resource to ensure the state has changed. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
conference-identifier | xs:string | The conference identifier |
participant-identifier | xs:string | The participant identifier |
is-chairperson | xs:boolean | Boolean value: True indicates that the participant is a chairperson, and false leaves the participant as not a chairperson. |
POSTSets whether or not the participant is a chairperson. This method will not indicate if an internal failure occurred. Instead, it is recommended that the API client retrieve the participant resource to ensure the state has changed. The user must be the conference room owner or have Administrator or Provisioner roles. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse