A participant in a multipoint conference. From a technical perspective, there is a one to one correspondence between participants and signaling sessions. It is possible for a single person to call into a conference from multiple endpoints, and count as multiple participants. Immersive Telepresence endpoints may count as one or multiple participants, depending on how they handle signaling. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-participant+xml. All attributes are used in ETag calculation except for entity-tag and atom-link.
Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
atomLinkList | List of link | See Definition of link | |
participant-identifier | ParticipantIdentifier | The unique identifier for this participant. This system assigned identifier is not meaningful. | |
display-name | DisplayName | The display name for this participant. | |
endpoint-identifier | EndpointIdentifier | The unique identifier for this participant's endpoint, if it is a registered endpoint. | |
endpoint-name | EndpointName | The display name of this participant's endpoint. For H.323 endpoints, this is the h323-ID. For SIP endpoints, this is the user part of the SIP URI. | |
conference-identifier | ConferenceIdentifier | The unique identifier for the conference this participant belongs to. | |
mcu-name | McuName | The name of the MCU this participant is on. | |
connection-status | ConnectionStatus | The status of the connection to this participant | |
chairperson | xs:boolean | Indicates whether this participant is a chairperson. Chairpersons have greater privileges than other participants. | |
lecturer | xs:boolean | Indicates whether this participant is the lecturer. In lecture-mode conferences, the lecturer's video will be displayed even when other participants are talking. | |
audio-mute | xs:boolean | Indicates whether this participant is audio-muted. Audio-muted participants can not be heard. | |
video-mute | xs:boolean | Indicates whether this participant is video-muted. Video-muted participants can not be seen. | |
signaling-protocol | SignalingProtocol | The signaling protocol use to establish the participant's call. | |
encrypted-media | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the media stream between the conference and this participant is encrypted. | |
current-call-bitrate-kbps | xs:unsignedInt | The status of the current bitrate applied to the participant's call in kilobits per second. Note that the API client cannot set this value. It is only used for network bandwidth status information. | |
current-layout | CurrentLayout | The name of the current video layout used by the MCU for the conference. Note that the API client cannot set this value. | |
passback | Passback | User defined value for that is opaque to the system. | |
passthru | Passthru | User defined value that that is opaque to the system provided by the rest/conferences/conference-id/participants passthru value. Note: this value is available after the call is terminated in the userDataC field of the calls CDR. | |
speaker | xs:boolean | Indicates that this participant is currently speaking. | |
forward-dtmf-source | ForwardDtmfSource | The presence of this attribute indicates that DTMF should be forwarded from a chairperson to this participant. This attribute is set to the SIP URI of the chairperson if the URI is available, otherwise it is set to the literal string "chairperson". This attribute can be set only when a new dial-out participant is created using the REST-API request createParticipant, changing it during a call has no effect. | |
entity-tag | EntityTag | The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance. | |
audio-mute-by-endpoint | xs:boolean | Indicates whether this participant is audio-muted by the end point. Audio-muted participants can not be heard. Note: This field is different than the audio-mute field which is muted by the API to the MCU (or directly by the MCU UI). This field is read only, and can only be changed by the endpoint user; it cannot be changed by the API. | |
video-mute-by-endpoint | xs:boolean | Indicates whether this participant is video-muted by the participant's endpoint. Video-muted participants can not be seen. Note: This field is different from the video-mute field which indicates that the participant is video muted on the MCU rather than on the participant endpoint. This field is read only and cannot be changed by the API. | |
audio-mute-by-mcu | xs:boolean | Indicates whether this participant is audio-muted by the MCU. Audio-muted participants can not be heard. Note that this field is different from the audio-mute field. This field indicates that the participant is muted by non-operator actions detected by the MCU (such as the chairperson using the "mute all except me" DTMF command). This field is read only and cannot be changed by the API. | |
audio-only | xs:boolean | True if this participant is audio-only (ISDN). | |
dtmf-suffix | DtmfSuffix | DTMF to be outpulsed to receiving endpoint upon successful connection. | |
auto-disconnect | xs:boolean | True if this participant is a non-live far end device (like an RMX or recording device), and can be disconnected if the only participants left in a conference are of these types. | |
call-type | CallType | The dial call type for this participant. | |
sip-endpoint-id | SipEndpointId | Unique identifier for a SIP endpoint. | |
endpoint-type | EndpointType | Type of endpoint used. | |
connection-start-time | xs:dateTime | ||
dial-string | xs:string | The string to dial out to. The dial string can start with a scheme (e.g., "h323:", "sip:", "sips:", "isdn:"), a string with no scheme is interpreted as h323. | Mandatory |
plcm-itu-phone-number | plcm-itu-phone-number | See Definition of plcm-itu-phone-number | Mandatory |
Name | Type | Restrictions |
EndpointType | xs:string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=256 |
SipEndpointId | xs:string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=256 |
CallType | xs:string | Value must be one of:
DtmfSuffix | T0 | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=64 |
EntityTag | xs:string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=64 |
ForwardDtmfSource | xs:string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=128 |
Passthru | xs:string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=512 |
Passback | xs:string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=512 |
CurrentLayout | xs:string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=128 |
SignalingProtocol | xs:string | Value must be one of:
ConnectionStatus | xs:string | Value must be one of:
McuName | xs:string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=128 |
ConferenceIdentifier | xs:string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=128 |
EndpointName | xs:string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=128 |
EndpointIdentifier | xs:string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=128 |
DisplayName | xs:string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=128 |
ParticipantIdentifier | xs:string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=128 |
T0 | xs:string | Pattern of value must match the regular expression [\dpP0-9#\*]+ |