plcm-conference-v3.xsd Documentation

Imported Namespaces

Target Namespace


plcm-conference-v3  PlcmConferenceV3

An active multipoint conference. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-conference-v3+xml. All attributes are used in ETag calculation except for owner-first-name, owner-last-name, entity-tag and atom-link.

Complex Types

PlcmConferenceV3 Fields

plcm-internal-params plcm-internal-paramsSee Definition of plcm-internal-params
atomLinkList List of linkSee Definition of link
plcmCascadeLinkList List of plcm-cascade-linkSee Definition of plcm-cascade-link
conference-identifierConferenceIdentifier The unique identifier for this conference. Mandatory
svc-cascade-partner-conference-identifierSvcCascadePartnerConferenceIdentifier The unique identifier for the conference with which this conference is in an AVC/SVC cascade..
dial-in-numberDialInNumber The dial string that can be used to call into the conference. Mandatory
conference-room-identifierConferenceRoomIdentifier The unique identifier for the conference room. This is the part of the dial in number after the prefix. Mandatory
mcu-nameMcuName The name of the MCU hosting the conference or the name of the hub MCU if this is a cascaded conference. Mandatory
cascade-mcu-nameList of CascadeMcuName If this is a cascaded conference, the names of the hosting MCUs.
owner-first-nameOwnerFirstName The conference owner's first name. It is set to be the same as conference room owner's first name. Mandatory
owner-last-nameOwnerLastName The conference owner's last name. It is set to be the same as conference room owner's last name. Mandatory
host-nameHostName The hostname of the conference host. Mandatory
recording-activexs:boolean Indicates whether the conference is currently being recorded.
display-textxs:string The display text of the conference.
passbackPassback User defined value for that is opaque to the system.
passthruPassthru User defined value that is opaque to the system provided by the rest/conferences/start-conference passthru value. Note: this value is available after the conference is terminated in the userDataC field in the conference CDR.
entity-tagEntityTag The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance.
supported-layoutList of SupportedLayout The names of the supported video layouts defined by the MCU hosting the conference.
current-layoutCurrentLayout The name of the current video layout used by the MCU for the conference.
conference-lockedxs:boolean Indicates whether the conference is currently locked, preventing new participants to enter the conference.
join-new-calls-mutedxs:boolean Indicates whether the conference will audio mute new callers.
focus-urixs:string The conference Focus URI, if one exists.
call-countxs:unsignedShort The number of calls currently in this conference.

Simple Types

Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=128
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=128
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=64
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=512
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=512
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=128
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=64
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=64
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=128
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=128
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=128
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=128
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=128
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=128