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Policy by Individual Device

The Individual Device feature allows you to locate a device to view that device's policy.

Individual Devices

The Individual Devices list displays each device and its basic information. Simply click on the Device Name link and the Device Details page will open.

For detailed information on managing the following list, see List Management.

Device ModelThe model of the device.
Device NameThe name of the device set in Poly Lens or on the Device web interface.
Linked DevicesIndicates one or more devices is connected to the device.
Linked Devices icon Linked Devices - This icon displays on the Inventory page in the Linked Devices column and indicates that one or more devices are connected to this device. Selecting this icon displays information about the linked devices and their online status. Note: Each device listed is a link to the device details page.
Unlinked Devices icon Unlinked Devices - This icon displays on the Inventory page in the Linked Devices column and indicates that one or more devices are disconnected from this device. Selecting this icon displays information about the linked devices and their online status. Note: Each device listed is a link to the device details page.
RoomThe room that the device is located.
SiteThe site location of the device.
StateThe provisioning icon displays when the device has been provisioned. If you wand over this icon, a popup will display with additional information.
Green Provisioned device icon Provisioned (Active) icon: Indicates that the provisioned device has communicated with the provisioning server within the last 24 hours.
Provisioned device icon Provisioned icon: Indicates that the provisioned device has not communicated with the provisioning server within the last 24 hours.
Gray icon with clock for a Staged device icon Staged icon: Indicates that the device has been staged to be provisioned.
Note: When the device is in provisioning mode, only the provision based settings and updates are displayed.
StatusGreen dot icon icon - Indicates if the device is Online, whicn means the device is powered on, connected to a network and reporting data to the Poly Lens cloud. If you wand over this icon, a popup will display with the Online/Offline status.
Note: This indicator does not display for devices that do not provide status (example: Poly microphone).
Red dot icon icon - Indicates if the device is Offline, which means the device is powered on, connected to a network and reporting data to the Poly Lens cloud. If you wand over this icon, a popup will display with the Online/Offline status.
Note: This indicator does not display for devices that do not provide status (example: Poly microphone).

View a Device's Policy

  1. Go to Manage > Policy > Individual Device.
  2. Use the filters to locate your specific device.
    Example: Use the Search to find your Device Model.
  3. Select The specific device from the filtered device list.
  4. In the specific policy that is applied to the device that you located, you can veiw all of the settings and view the Inheritance for each field.
    Note: Another tool that can be used here is the My Settings from the side tabe. Here you can view levels of policies that have been applied, and which one is taking priority.


To the right of each Settings field an Inheritance status is listed.

Device policy – Indicates this field has been set by Device (Manage > Inventory or Manage > Policy > Individual Device)
Device User Group policy - Indicates this field has been set by Device User Group (Manage > Policy > Device User Group)
Site policy – Indicates this field has been set by Site (Manage > Policy > Site)
Group policy – Indicates this field has been set by Device Group (Manage > Policy > Device Group)
Model policy – Indicates this field has been set by Device Model (Manage > Policy > Device Model)
Blank – Indicates this field is at the device default setting