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App Deployment

Poly Lens Mobile Beta Feature

Invite Device Users via Email

If you don't distribute software to your device users, you can invite them to download Poly Lens Desktop with a unique URL sent via email. Once installed, they can sign up via SSO or with their corporate email account, and they will be associated to the appropriate Poly Lens Account.

  1. Go to ACCOUNT menu > Manage Accounts.
  2. Select an Account from the list.
  3. Select App Deployment from the side tabs.
  4. Select Send Email Invite.
  5. Enter the email address of the individual to invite.
    Note: You can enter multiple email addresses at one time, separated by a comma or a semicolon.
  6. Verify if you would like the Email Validated. If this option is selected it requires that the user name of the User accepting the invite matches the email address to which the invite was sent. It is recommended that this security feature only be disables when you know that the invitee's username and email address are different.
  7. Select Add. A confirmation message displays listing the email addresses the invitation has been sent to.
  8. The invitee will open the email on the device they will install the app and select Get Started to accept the invitation.
  9. Select Download. The msi file will be downloaded on their device. Select Install to complete the setup.
    Note: The email sent to the invitee, may be used for all Poly Lens Apps as needed to download the App msi file.
  10. When the App is setup and a device is attached to the App, it will display in the Device Users section.
    Note: For Detailed information on a Poly Lens App, locate the App User Guide on the Device Documentation section.

Directory Integration

The Directory Integrations feature allows an admin to automatically onboard Device Users and their associated devices, based on the login domain they used to access the Poly Lens Desktop app. Once the appropriate access has been granted to Poly Lens, this method provides the most streamlined Poly Lens Desktop app onboarding experience by automatically associating the Device Users to the correct account in Poly Lens, regardless of how they obtained their Lens Desktop app. With this method, the Lens Desktop app can be distributed using Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager, formerly System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), emailed out using the tools in Poly Lens, or directly downloaded from the Download options listed below.

Supported Services

Currently the Directory Integrations feature supports the following services:

  • Microsoft Office 365 using Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).
    Note: This requires Microsoft Admin privileges.
  1. Go to ACCOUNT menu > Manage Accounts.
  2. Select an Account from the list.
  3. Select Integrations from the side tabs.
  4. Select Allow Access.
  5. Select Accept to confirm access.
    Note: Now at this point the Microsoft Domain is now linked to this Account. When a new user from this Domain logs into Poly Lens Desktop for the first time, they are automatically given access to this Poly Lens Account.

For a Device User, using Poly Lens Desktop

The following procedure outlines how Device Users within the domain claimed in the procedure above, would log into Poly Lens Desktop for the first time.

  1. The user opens Poly Lens Desktop.
  2. Log in to Poly Lens Desktop.
    Note: The User does not have to Sign up and create an Account.
  3. Select Sign in with Microsoft.
  4. Enter your email address to sign in to your Microsoft SSO account, and select Next.
  5. Enter your password, and select Sign in.
  6. Select Accept to confirm access.
  7. Select Accept to allow Poly Lens Desktop access to your Poly Account.
  8. Now this user is connected to the Poly Lens Account that was set up in the previous process above.


This section provides access to downloads for the following:
  • Poly Lens Desktop (PC and Mac versions)
  • Poly Lens Mobile (Android)

Loginless Client Token

The Loginless feature allows you to set up a Poly Lens Client to open to a specific Account, without logging in. See Client Tokens for detailed information.