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PDMS-E Migration Process

When migrating all your devices from PDMS-E to Poly Lens, there is a defined process to follow.

Before the Migration can Begin

The following items will need to be complete, before the migration can begin.

Customer’s PDMS-E tenant is migrated to a new PDMS-E service group enabling the Export to Poly Lens feature.
Note: This step will require up to 4-hours of PDMS-E downtime and up to 24-hours for the customer’s devices to re-register to PDMS-E.

Important Information

  • The Export/Import process ONLY moves the device policy (configuration) data. The Import does not actually move devices (change the provisioning server) from PDMS-E to Poly Lens. The goal of this process is to move policy data and confirm the data is being moved correctly and as expected. Note: The Policy hierarchy is different between PDMS-E and Poly Lens.
  • Customers can experiment with the Import process with no impact to their production PDMS-E environment. The Import process is a COPY function only. The Customer can and are encouraged to delete their account (aka tenant) and start the process over if they wanted to experiment with the Export/Import process. For example, if they want to make changes on PDMS-E and then Import to Poly Lens to understand how the data is copied.
  • Customers can experiment with moving (change the provisioning server from PDMS-E to Poly Lens) 1 device at a time to understand how they can do this at scale - manual, DHCP, or using a PDMS-E custom configuration.

PDMS-E Migration to Poly Lens

When migrating all your devices from PDMS-E to Poly Lens, there is a defined process to follow.
The following is the step-by-step migration process, with links to the detailed processes.

  1. Create a new Account in Poly Lens, see create an Account.
    This will allow you to have all the migrated devices in one account, until the full migration is complete.
  2. Enable Provisioning on this new account, see Enable Provisioning.
  3. Prepare the PDMS-E environment to export to Poly Lens. For example, update software to a minimal level, if needed.
  4. Export the PDMS-E configuration data, see PDMS-E Export.
  5. Import the file exported from PDMS-E into Poly Lens, see Import the zipped PDMS-E file.
  6. Migrate devices from PDMS-E into Poly Lens, see Migrate Device options.

Note: You can only import data into a Poly Lens Account that does not have devices in it. If there is an issue with the data import, delete the account, create a new one, then start the migration process again.

Migrate Devices

Devices currently pointing to PDMS-E for management and provisioning has a set of parameters configured for it. In this process, the devices will now need to point to Poly Lens instead of PDMS-E.

To migrate the Devices from PDMS-E to Poly Lens, there are the following options:

Create a Configuration Profile to Redirect Devices to your Poly Lens Accounts

After the Poly Lens environment is setup, return to PDMS-E where your Devices are located.

PDMS-E Dashboard, Profile Configuration page

  1. Create a new Profile with a distinctive name that will be used to redirect your Devices.

  2. Add the following Custom Field parameters.

    • prov.server.mode="Manual"
    • prov.server.type="HTTPS"

    Add the following parameters from the Poly Lens Device Provisioning page (Go to ACCOUNT menu > Manage Accounts).

    • prov.url="the Provisioning Server Address"
    • prov.username="the Server User"
    • prov.password="the Server Password"

    Note: For Studio USB use the paramaters above, however for CCX, Trio and VVX use the following:

    • device.set="1"
    • device.prov.serverType.set="1"
    • device.prov.serverType="HTTPS"
    • device.prov.serverName.set="1"
    • device.prov.serverName="the Provisioning Server Address"
    • device.prov.user.set="1"
    • device.prov.user="the Server User"
    • device.prov.password.set="1"
    • device.prov.password="the Server Password"
  3. Click Save.

  4. Apply to either the device or group of devices that you are migrating.

  5. As a final step, if you used DHCP options to point to PDMS-E, don't forget to update them to point to your new Poly Lens Account.

For additional information, see PDMS-E Migration FAQs.