GETRetrieves SVC MCUs. [tags: DMA]RequestResponse
POSTCreates an SVC MCU definition. Name, management address, username, and password are required. DMA roles required: administrator [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
Response |
GETRetrieves total number of alerts on all svc mcus. Etag's calculation includes configuration fields only. [tags: DMA] Response
Name | Type | Description |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
GETRetrieves an SVC MCU. Etag's calculation includes configuration fields only. [tags: DMA] RequestQuery Parameters
PUTUpdates information about an MCU. [tags: DMA]RequestQuery Parameters
ResponseDELETEDeletes an MCU. [tags: DMA]RequestQuery Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
POSTSets the service status for the specified MCU. [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
Name | Type | Description |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
POSTReboots the specified MCU. [tags: DMA] Response
Name | Type | Description |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
POSTResets the SVC MCU to factory defaults. [tags: DMA] Response
Name | Type | Description |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
GETGet the list of available SVC MCU logs. [tags: DMA] Response
Name | Type | Description |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
POSTRequest to initiate the process to download the set of logs, as described in the request. A resource URL to check the status of the download operation will be returned in the Location header. [tags: DMA] Response
Name | Type | Description |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
POSTRequest to cancel an ongoing task (Cancel log downloading, for example). [tags: DMA] Response
Name | Type | Description |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
POSTRequest to initiate the packet capture process on svc mcu [tags: DMA] Response
Name | Type | Description |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
POSTRequest to stop the packet capture process on svc mcu [tags: DMA] Response
Name | Type | Description |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
GETRetrieves list of users on this SVC MCU. Etag's calculation includes configuration fields only. [tags: DMA] Response
Name | Type | Description |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
user-name | xs:string | User Name |
GETRetrieves a specific user on this SVC MCU. Etag's calculation includes configuration fields only. [tags: DMA] RequestQuery Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
user-name | xs:string | User Name |
PUTUpdate a specific user on this SVC MCU. Etag's calculation includes configuration fields only. [tags: DMA] RequestQuery Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
POSTInstall an X509 certificate, PKCS7 or PKCS12 file. X509 and PKCS7 files can be in either DER or PEM format. If the file is PKCS12, a password must be provided in plain text in the 'password' parameter. Data should be uploaded using 'multipart/form-data' semantics, defined in RFC 7578, with a 'file' part and a 'password' part. The 'file' part should use a Content-Type of 'application/octet-stream' in all cases. The 'password' part may omit the Content-Type, but if supplied, should use a Content-Type of 'text/plain'. The need for a reboot can be established with the method "/certificates/status". IMPORTANT: Changes to certificates will not take effect until the system has been rebooted. To restart the system, use the API restart method. [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
POSTInstall PEM-formatted certificate(s) from text. The text for the PEM entry can contain one or more certificates. IMPORTANT: Changes to certificates will not take effect until the system has been rebooted. To restart the system, use the API restart method. [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
GETGet details in text for all the currently installed certificates. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
POSTRegenerate the self signed certificate. IMPORTANT: Changes to certificates will not take effect until the system has been rebooted. To restart the system, use the API restart method. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
GETIndicates the need for a reboot due to the installation of new certificates. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
POSTCreate a new certificate signing request. CAUTION: this will overwrite an existing CSR. [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
Name | Type | Description |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
GETGet the OCSP settings for this media relay. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
PUTUpdate the OCSP settings for the system. IMPORTANT: Enabling/disabling of the OCSP settings will cause an immediate reboot of the system. Changes to these settings should only be performed when rebooting will cause the least interruption to service. [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
Name | Type | Description |
svc-mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the SVC MCU. |
alias | xs:string |
DELETEDelete the certificate identified by the alias. IMPORTANT: Changes to certificates will not take effect until the system has been rebooted. To restart the system, use the plcm-power-management API restart method. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse