plcm-svc-mcu.xsd Documentation

Imported Namespaces

Target Namespace


plcm-svc-mcu  PlcmSvcMcu

Representation of an SVC Relay MCU device. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-svc-mcu+xml. All attributes are used in ETag calculation except for entity-tag and atom-link.

Complex Types

PlcmSvcMcu Fields

atomLinkList List of linkSee Definition of link
plcm-mcu-servicing-status plcm-mcu-servicing-statusSee Definition of plcm-mcu-servicing-status
plcmMcuConnectionStatusList List of plcm-mcu-connection-statusSee Definition of plcm-mcu-connection-status
plcm-service-class-v2 plcm-service-class-v2See Definition of plcm-service-class-v2
mcu-identifierxs:string Unique identifier of the MCU.
namexs:string Name of the MCU. Mandatory
local-runningxs:boolean True if the MCU is running on the same local server, false/missing if it is a remote MCU. Read-Only.
management-hostxs:string Command/management IP or FQDN of the MCU. Required for a POST operation. Mandatory
management-portxs:unsignedShort Command/management port of the MCU. 8443 is the only acceptable value.
management-usernamexs:string Username used to login to the MCU. Required for a POST operation.
management-passwordManagementPassword Password used to login to the MCU. Required for a POST operation.
modelxs:string MCU model name. Read-Only.
versionxs:string MCU version. Read-Only.
sitexs:string Site associated with MCU. Read-Only.
territoryxs:string Territory associated with MCU. Read-Only.
override-default-service-classxs:boolean When true, plcm-service-class-v2 must be specified in the request. When false, plcm-service-class-v2 value will be determined by the system default.
active-confs-countxs:unsignedShort The number of running conferences on this MCU. Note that these are conferences that were created by this DMA supercluster; conferences created by DMAs unknown to this supercluster are not included in this count. Read-Only.
total-portsxs:unsignedShort The total number of ports on the MCU. Read-Only.
used-portsxs:unsignedShort The number of ports used on the MCU. Read-Only.
reserved-ports-per-mcuxs:unsignedShort The number of reserved ports on the MCU (for cascading, etc.).
reserved-ports-per-confxs:unsignedShort The number of reserved ports per conf (for cascading, etc.).
max-percent-to-startMaxPercentToStart The percent utilization of the MCU after which new conferences will be, if possible, directed to other MCUs.
disconnects-last-24-hoursDisconnectsLast24Hours Number of MCU disconnects in past 24 hours. Read-Only.
failure-rateFailureRate MCU call failure rate. Read-Only.
system-config-actionSystemConfigAction Defines the action to be taken with the provided mcu-system-config during a PUT operation. This field is required if mcu-system-config is specified. If SAVE is selected, modified fields are saved in DMA only; for any field that needs to be applied on the SVC MCU (i.e., fields in mcu-system-config), those changes will be sent when DMA reconnects to the MCU. If SAVE_AND_APPLY is selected, DMA sends the system config to SVC MCU to be applied. If the changes can be applied without rebooting the SVC MCU (a 204 response), no further action is required. If DMA responds to the PUT request indicating that a reboot is required (a 202 response), the API client needs to resend the exact same PUT request with the system-config-action field set to REBOOT; the SVC MCU will not apply any changes until it receives a REBOOT request. If there is no mcu-system-config specified, any value provided for this field will be interpreted as SAVE as there is no need to apply any changes to the SVC MCU.
system-config-syncedxs:boolean Is the current system config in sync with the MCU. Read-Only.
mcu-poolsMcuPools List of MCU pool name with which MCU is associated. Read-Only.
mcu-alerts-countxs:unsignedShort Number of alerts on this mcu. Read-Only.
packet-capture-runningxs:boolean True if packet capture currently running. False otherwise. Read-Only.
packet-capture-error-countxs:unsignedShort Number of packet capture error on this mcu. Read-Only.
entity-tagEntityTag The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance.

McuPools Fields

mcu-poolList of xs:string MCU pool name with which MCU is associated.

Simple Types

Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=64
Value must be one of:
  • SAVE
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=128