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Teams Notifications

As an Admin or a Device Manager you can set up your Notification Center to deliver notices from Poly Lens, to a Microsoft Teams channel.


To enable the Notification Center, Poly+ is required. For more information on Poly+, see Premium Poly Lens Features Included with Poly+ Enterprise and Poly+.

Microsoft Teams

Note: This will require that you have a Microsoft Teams Channel created and a Webhook configured. See Teams Channel Webhook Configuration for detailed instructions.

  1. Go to the ACCOUNT menu > Manage Accounts.
  2. Select an account from the list that will host this notification.
  3. Select Notifications > Microsoft Teams from the side tabs.
  4. Select Add New.
  5. Enter the Name of the New Microsoft Teams Webhook.
  6. Enter the Webhook URL of the Microsoft Teams channel. See Teams Channel Webhook Configuration for the Webhook URL.
  7. Select (enable) the Notification Types to send to the Microsoft Teams channel.
  8. Select the Frequency from the dropdown list.
  9. Select Test Connection to verify all is working correctly with the configuration. See Test Connection below for detailed information.
  10. Select Create to complete the setup. The Microsoft Teams Channel information will display.

Notification Types

You can configure the notification to fit your needs.

Software Update Available

When this option is enabled, you will be sent a notice that a new version of software is available. The system will check for this update at the frequency that is set below and will send a notice if a new software update is available.

The following frequencies are available for this option:

  • Daily Roundup
  • Weekly Roundup
  • Immediately

Devices Offline

When this option is enabled, you will be sent a notice that devices are offline with information on each device. A link to the Poly Lens Offline Insight is provided in this notice to see the entire list of devices and additional information. The system will check for this update at the frequency that is set below.
Note: The Device Offline option supports any device that is provisionable, except Poly Studio USB, Poly EagleEye Cube, Poly Studio R30 and R50.

The following frequencies are available for this option:

  • Daily Roundup
  • Weekly Roundup

Additionally, the following intervals are available for Devices Offline.
The frequency times will send a notification when the device is offline for this increment of time. For example, if the 30 minutes option is selected and a device is offline for 30 consecutive minutes, then the user will then receive a notification in the configured Teams channel with the device's information.

  • 15 minutes
  • 30 minutes
  • 1 hour
  • 2 hours
  • 4 hours
  • 6 hours
  • 12 hours

Note: When a group of devices go offline at a close interval of time, the notification will list the first 10 devices and note how many additional are offline. Click the View all in Poly Lens for the complete list.

Licenses Expiring

When this option is enabled, you will be sent a notice that a license is expiring. The notice will be sent 30 days before the expiration of the license. A link to the Poly Lens Managing Licenses page is provided for more information. The system will check for this update at the frequency that is set below.

The following frequencies are available for this option:

  • Daily Roundup
  • Weekly Roundup

Test Connection

To test the connection configured for the Microsoft Teams Channel.

  1. Select Test Connection with the associated the Microsoft Teams Channel.
  2. If set up correctly, a Message sent to Teams successfully will appear. A sample message will be sent to the Teams Channel, for verification.
  3. If there is an issue, walk through the procedure again, and correct as needed.

Teams Channel Webhook Configuration

To set up the Microsoft Teams Notification in Poly Lens, a webhook is required.

If you have an Incoming Webhook Configured

To locate the webhook URL required to configure the notification, see the following.

  1. Open the Microsoft Team Channel to send the Poly Lens notifications to.
  2. Select More Options (...) > Connectors in the top-right corner.
  3. Select Configured from the side tabs.
  4. Select Incoming Webhook and select the Incoming Webhook Manage button from the list.
  5. Copy the URL displayed lower on the page, this is the Webhook URL and is copied and used in the procedure above.

If you need to Create a Webhook

If your Microsoft Teams channel does not have an incoming webhook, follow the instructions below to create one.

  1. Open the Microsoft Team Channel to send the Poly Lens notifications to.
  2. Select More Options (...) > Connectors in the top-right corner.
  3. Select the Incoming Webhook from the list of Connectors and select Add.
  4. Select More Options (...) > Connectors > Incoming Webhook > Configure.
  5. Enter a Name for the incoming Webhook.
  6. Select Create.
  7. A URL is displayed below, this is the Webhook URL and is copied and used in the procedure above.