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Manage Resource Files

As an Admin you can manage Resource Files in Poly Lens. The Resource Files feature allows you to upload files like ringtones, background images and contact directories to customize your devices. Files are uploaded into Poly Lens, and then they can be applied to a Policy.

File Information

  • Supported file types:
    • Contact file: xml
      Contact directory files format: MAC-directory.xml
      Examples: 64167fbac7fb-directory.xml or 000000000000-directory.xml
    • Ringtones files: mp3, wav
    • Background graphic files: png, jpg
  • File name must be unique
  • Maximum file size: 3.5 MB

To Manage Resources

  1. Select Manage > Resources.
  2. The Resource Files list will display.

Resource Files List

For detailed information on managing the following list, see List Management.

Date UploadedThe date the file was uploaded into Poly Lens.
File NameThe name of the ringtone, graphic, or contact file uploaded.
SizeThe Size of the file uploaded.
Uploaded ByThe name of the individual that uploaded the file into Poly Lens.

Add a Resource File

  1. Select Manage > Resources.
  2. Select Add.
  3. Add a Resource File.
    There are two methods of attaching a file:
    • Click the dialog box and locate the file to import.
    • Drag-and-drop a file onto the blue square on the dialog box.
  4. Select Add.

Remove a Resource File

  1. Select Manage > Resources.
  2. Select the file in the Resource Files list to remove.
  3. Select Remove Resource File.
  4. Select Remove to confirm.
    The file is removed and a message that the file was successfully remove displays.