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Device Group Details

The Device Groups feature allow you to manage devices by customized groups.

A Device Group:

  • Any Device can belong to a group
  • Any Policy can belong to a group
  • A device can belong to multiple Device Groups


The Overview section displays the following:

For detailed information on managing the following lists, see List Management.

Device ModelThe model of the device.
Device NameThe name of the device set in Poly Lens or on the Device web interface.
Note: The device name is a link to the Device Detail page of the device.
Serial NumberThe serial number of the device.
SiteThe site location of the device.
Software VersionThe software version of the device.
StatusGreen dot icon icon - Indicates if the device is Online, whicn means the device is powered on, connected to a network and reporting data to the Poly Lens cloud. If you wand over this icon, a popup will display with the Online/Offline status.
Note: This indicator does not display for devices that do not provide status (example: Poly microphone).
Red dot icon icon - Indicates if the device is Offline, which means the device is not connected to a network. If you wand over this icon, a popup will display with the Online/Offline status.
Note: This indicator does not display for devices that do not provide status (example: Poly microphone).


For detailed information on managing the following lists, see List Management.

Device CountThe number of devices from this policy in this group.
Device ModelThe model policy of the device.
Note: The device name is a link to the Model Policy Details page.
Settings CountThe settings that have bee provisioned from this group.