Getting Started with the REST API
In this article, I describe how to access two of the Open Data Access REST APIs. The source code is pointing at the "Sandbox" tenant. However, once you have access to your own tenant you will just change the relavent URLs and security tokens (the tenant id and app id, which can be seen on screen in each sample). This example is written in JavaScript, but of course any language supporting HTTP requests can consume data from the REST APIs.Generating API Key
- After creating your account, you will receive a validation email that will grant you permission to creating your API keys.
- Sign in to your account to add a new key.
Ingesting & Consuming Streaming Data
Generating Streaming Data
The generation and retrieval of streaming data is not available via the Sandbox. To generate and test streaming data, you must have your own Plantronics Manager Pro developer tenant.
Installing Plantronics Hub
To generate streaming data, you must generate a custom Plantronics Hub installer from within your Plantronics Manager Pro environment.
Identifying the Tenant API Code and Regional API Host URLs
Depending on your goals, you may begin by working with the Sandbox Tenant (with Tenant API Code embedded) as you experiment with our APIs to see how sample data works with your code. If you are working with a specific customer (or developing for internal use) and would like to connect to real customer data from Plantronics Manager Pro, you will need to request and receive authentication to use this identifier.
Sandbox Tenant API Code
Requesting and Receiving Application Authorization
Authorization for Sandbox Tenant Data
Accessing the sandbox data DOES NOT require manual authorization by the Plantronics Manager Pro administrator. All requests are immediately authorized and all requested datasets enabled. Here’s how it works:
Registering Applications
Each developer created application that uses Plantronics APIs to access data from Plantronics Manager Pro requires the creation of a unique appID before data access can be enabled. The appID is required for calling any of the report APIs in a production tenant. Developer apps can be installed in an unlimited number of tenants, but a unique appID must be created for each Plantronics Manager Pro tenant for which the application will be integrated with. The application authorization scheme will require both appId and tenantId.
Creating a Developer Account
The first step towards developing your app using Plantronics APIs is the creation of your developer account. Your account lets you register your app, generate your APIs, and connect to data from a sandbox or customer tenant.
- Create your Plantronics Developer's account by completing this online form.
Next Step: Generate API Key
HubRESTSample – a new C++ REST API Sample for PDC
Location of full sample code:
Key Benefits
- Supports Plantronics Manager Pro configuration
- Works with Plantronics Hub via “out-of-proc” REST API
Advanced SDK Topic: Ensuring Resilience with Plantronics COM API
When using the Plantronics COM API how do you ensure the connection to the Plantronics Hub software is working?
- What if the user accidentally shuts down Plantronics Hub (or it crashes), or user upgrades it which would also result in it shutting down and starting again. Would your software re-connect to the COM API automatically?
So what is Plantronics Hub and why should I care about it for my application?
Plantronics Hub is a client based application that provides the end user with the ability to customize and get the most out of their headset – so what??. The real power comes when Plantronics Hub is used in conjunction with Plantronics Manager Pro an all in one headset management tool. Now your end customer’s IT team, or even their service partner has the ability to manage the headset estate remotely. Which let’s face it, is an important part in delivering a great experience of your product to your customers.