Set of APIs to access various datasets exposed by Plantronics Manager Pro cloud. The REST APIs in the docs below are all interactive. All REST APIs have default parameters setup to bring back some valid json response. All APIs hit a sandbox cloud Plantronics Manager Pro environment where dummy data is loaded in a data store for generating sample responses. The Api docs also have an embedded api key in all of them. The goal is to help developers see the different APIs available and understand the API usage pattern as well as understand response field samples. If you want a real environment being able to connect a real headset to Plantronics Manager Pro cloud, generate your own data and consume generated from APIs, we give dedicated dev tenants. Please fill the dev tenant request form for this For understanding the developer workflows please look here:

Partner App Management




Deletes a request for authorization for the app within PM pro for the requested tenant



Registers and creates a partner application into the Plantronics platform.



Returns app's metadata for a unique app Id.



Adds a request for authorization for the app within PM pro for the requested tenant. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42", apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" and appId "a7bbeaaf-4225-4d3e-ac63-19789a13b845" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data. NOTE: The old subscription pre 3.11 USGHISTORICAL/USGREALTIME, CONVERSATIONDYNAMICHISTORICAL/CONVERSATIONDYNAMICREALTIME ,ASSETSHISTORICAL/ASSETSREALTIME, ACOUSTICHISTORICAL/ACOUSTICREALTIME have been merged to CALLHISTORICAL/CALLREALTIME, ASSETHISTORICAL/ASSETREALTIME, HEALTHHISTORICAL/HEALTHREALTIME for 3.11 release suite changes. Authorization requests with older subscription names will still work converting internally within the API to translate to newer subscriptions. For newer apps in development, we recommend using the newer subscription names.   Old Subscription New Subscription USGHISTORICAL CALLHISTORICAL USGREALTIME CALLREALTIME ASSETSHISTORICAL ASSETHISTORICAL ASSETSREALTIME ASSETREALTIME CONVERSATIONDYNAMICHISTORICAL CALLHISTORICAL CONVERSATIONDYNAMICREALTIME CALLREALTIME ACOUSTICHISTORICAL HEALTHHISTORICAL ACOUSTICREALTIME HEALTHREALTIME





RELATED INSIGHTS: This API will be only for having an audit of Plantronics Manager Pro administration changes. Assess and evaluate audit logs that are recorded for various events like request authorization e.g. All the audit events that occur during given time frame will be displayed with the user requesting the access and action requested. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data.



Returns the API subscriptions with statuses of the api subscriptions that apps could request authorization. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data.



Returns the plantronics products filtered by modelId



Returns the plantronics product filtered by family id, apikey "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" and familyId "12b4b347-ccbe-4a52-bb4e-e4c4bedfd607" can be used in here



Returns the plantronics product catalog with model names, product family etc.



Finds Plantronics product's metadata by id. Apikey "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" and id "963bc4b1-1ecb-490f-9439-b794597f27d2" can be used in here



Finds all Plantronics products based on a device type. Returns product metadata of each product. Type value could be "CORDED", "BLUETOOTH", "DECT" or "AUDIO_ADAPTER".



Returns the plantronics product families



Returns the user groups detected by Plantronics Manager Pro in the organization using headsets. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data.



Returns the Plantronics softphones.

Websockets Real-time




Stream Types are different events that Plantronics Open Data Access supports as notifications- Link Quality events at the end of a call is an example.This request will start the notifications with the requested protocol.



Stream Types are different events that Plantronics Open Data Access supports as notifications- Link Quality events at the end of a call is an example.This request will start the notifications with the requested protocol.



Each data subscription has an exanding set of notifications in the Plantronics cloud platform. This api gets all the available stream types for the app.

Health and Safety




The API allows to query twa reports based on periodic noise exposure calculations. It allows querying for twa reports which have a range of dB exposure. NOTE: greaterThanPostLimiterDosage should be < lessThanPostLimiterDosage value. RELATED INSIGHTS Investigate summarized calls (across the organization) or individual calls (by username) to view detailed characteristics revealing conversation health. Identify instances where users may be experiencing intentional limiting of headset volume based on Time-Weighted Average (TWA), a Plantronics feature designed to protect individuals from extended levels of volume over the work day. TERMINOLOGY Potential Dosage: The accumulated noise exposure that would have been experienced over the course of the day without Plantronics Soundguard technologies or G616 protections in place. Actual Dosage: The accumulated noise exposure actually experienced over the course of the day due to Plantronics Soundguard technologies or G616 protections. Exposure Limit: The recommended maximum noise exposure experienced at any time during the day. Potential Exposure: The maximum level of noise exposure that would have been experienced during a 10 minute period of the day without Plantronics Soundguard technologies or G616 protections. Actual Exposure: The maximum level of noise exposure that was actually experienced during a 10 minute period of the day without Plantronics Soundguard technologies or G616 protections. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data.



Finds acoustic incidents based on different query filters. This can be useful to identify trends related to acoustic events across organization to help troubleshoot causes and provide support for preventative measures. And also to identify occurrence of acoustic events during Plantronics calls that were successfully mitigated by Plantronics devices in order to evaluate employee claims re: workplace noise. EVENT FILTERS All Events: events mitigated and unmitigated by limiters. All Limited Events: events mitigated by G616 and/or Plantronics limiters. Plantronics Limited Events: events mitigated by one or more Plantronics proprietary limiters. G616 Limited Events: events mitigated according to the G616 communications industry standard. Plantronics & G616 Limited Events: events mitigated by G616 and one or more Plantronics limiters. Non-Limited Events: events unmitigated by limiters. * NOTE: Filters apply to supported devices only. Although multiple Plantronics products provide acoustic shock protection, this report is currently restricted to displaying data for the "DA Series" of Plantronics devices. LIMITED LEVELS Initial: the estimated level of the original event prior to mitigation. Actual: the mitigated level actually experienced by the user. Reduction: the total reduction in level due to mitigation. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data. Note: The tenantApiCode and apikey pre populated in the docs here is intended for accessing sandbox data to help understand the API only. For production integration use case, please access Plantronics Manager Pro's Admin->Accounts->Company Profile to get access to the tenantApiCode for the tenant. Please register here and generate your apikey for apps when you are ready to integrate with a production tenant data and your app.  

Call Quality and Analytics




RELATED INSIGHTS Assess and evaluate employee's use of headsets based on calls made and received and the duration of calls made/received (by device). Identify users who use headsets most often to ensure support is available. Identify patterns of user behavior re: headsets to help org determine future product orders.Calls are defined by their "Call End Time" in order to calculate call duration and other values. e.g. A call that begins on April 30 at 11:45pm and ends at 12:15am on May 1 will be recorded as occurring: on May 1 between 12:00am and 1:00am in the daily view with a duration of 30 minutes This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data. Note: The tenantApiCode and apikey pre populated in the docs here is intended for accessing sandbox data to help understand the API only. For production integration use case, please access Plantronics Manager Pro's Admin->Accounts->Company Profile to get access to the tenantApiCode for the tenant. Please register here and generate your apikey for apps when you are ready to integrate with a production tenant data and your app.  



Finds common action summaries (Volume adjustment) of calls based on different query filters. This can be used to identify user behavior patterns and possibly environmental or training needs by analyzing: Total # of Volume step events per day. Data displayed is the aggregation of unique volume 'step' adjustments applied via the headset volume button or the softphone volume control on the user's PC during a given period of time. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data. Note: The tenantApiCode and apikey pre populated in the docs here is intended for accessing sandbox data to help understand the API only. For production integration use case, please access Plantronics Manager Pro's Admin->Accounts->Company Profile to get access to the tenantApiCode for the tenant. Please register here and generate your apikey for apps when you are ready to integrate with a production tenant data and your app.  



Finds common action summaries (Mute %) of calls based on different query filters. This can be used to identify user behavior patterns and possibly environmental or training needs by analyzing: Muted state as a % of total call time. Mute % Data displayed is the cumulative percentage of the total call time that the user was muted during a given call. There are 4 levels of Mute % identified: High: >75% of total call time muted, Moderate: 10-75% of total call time muted, Rare: 1-10% of total call time muted, Never: 0% of total call time muted. NOTE: Mute % and Volume behaviors performed on a deskphone will not be included in this report. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data. Note: The tenantApiCode and apikey pre populated in the docs here is intended for accessing sandbox data to help understand the API only. For production integration use case, please access Plantronics Manager Pro's Admin->Accounts->Company Profile to get access to the tenantApiCode for the tenant. Please register here and generate your apikey for apps when you are ready to integrate with a production tenant data and your app.  



Returns the link quality summary metrics. This can be used to identify cases where the quality of the radio communication link between computer and headset is poor and may be an indication of system issues and help troubleshoot the call quality issues (e.g. particular groups, product types, locations, etc.). Quality Impairment Score (QIS) is a measure of the user’s average call quality based on the percentage of packet errors and related data. The higher the impairment score, the lower the quality of the user’s average call experience. For example, a QIS of 0 for a given user would indicate that all calls were free from any detectable errors, while a QIS of 100 for a user would indicate that all calls suffered a complete loss of call audio. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data. Note: The tenantApiCode and apikey pre populated in the docs here is intended for accessing sandbox data to help understand the API only. For production integration use case, please access Plantronics Manager Pro's Admin->Accounts->Company Profile to get access to the tenantApiCode for the tenant. Please register here and generate your apikey for apps when you are ready to integrate with a production tenant data and your app.  



Finds common action summaries (Quick Disconnect Usage) of calls based on different query filters. This can be used to identify user behavior patterns and possibly environmental or training needs by analyzing: Total # of Quick Disconnect events per day. Quick Disconnect refers to the one-step disconnect functionality provided by specific Plantronics products (e.g. DA Series, Blackwire 5xx). Data displayed is the aggregation of unique 'connect' (make) and 'disconnect' (break) actions performed by the user during a given period of time. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data. Note: The tenantApiCode and apikey pre populated in the docs here is intended for accessing sandbox data to help understand the API only. For production integration use case, please access Plantronics Manager Pro's Admin->Accounts->Company Profile to get access to the tenantApiCode for the tenant. Please register here and generate your apikey for apps when you are ready to integrate with a production tenant data and your app.  



Returns the aggregated conversation dynamic summary for a specified device id. The start and end date will be defined by date-time - RFC3339. ISO 8601 format. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data. Note: The tenantApiCode and apikey pre populated in the docs here is intended for accessing sandbox data to help understand the API only. For production integration use case, please access Plantronics Manager Pro's Admin->Accounts->Company Profile to get access to the tenantApiCode for the tenant. Please register here and generate your apikey for apps when you are ready to integrate with a production tenant data and your app.  



Returns the link quality summary metrics.RELATED INSIGHTS Identify cases where the quality of the radio communication link between computer and headset is poor and may be an indication of system issues. Help troubleshoot the call quality issues (e.g. particular groups, product types, locations, etc.). DEFINITION OF TERMS Quality Impairment Score (QIS) - a measure of the user’s average call quality based on the percentage of packet errors and related data. The higher the impairment score, the lower the quality of the user’s average call experience. For example, a QIS of 0 for a given user would indicate that all calls were free from any detectable errors, while a QIS of 100 for a user would indicate that all calls suffered a complete loss of call audio. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data. Note: The tenantApiCode and apikey pre populated in the docs here is intended for accessing sandbox data to help understand the API only. For production integration use case, please access Plantronics Manager Pro's Admin->Accounts->Company Profile to get access to the tenantApiCode for the tenant. Please register here and generate your apikey for apps when you are ready to integrate with a production tenant data and your app.  

Realtime (Pubnub)




Gets 'Subscription' streams available for an app.



Gets the meta-data for a specific stream types for an app. The meta-data will be used to setup publish and subscription details for the stream for an ingestion or subscription.



Starts a new real time stream request to the resource. This establishes a real time stream for computation by ingestion of a raw stream from devices; NOTE: It is not instantaneous and leads to a series of backend systems to be setup. It will enable the system to setup infrastructure to start the real time streams.



Stops a new real time stream request to the resource. This initiates stopping a real time stream for computation by ingestion of a raw stream from devices; NOTE: It is not instantaneous and leads to a series of backend systems to be setup. It will enable the system to setup infrastructure to stop the real time streams.

Asset Management and Adoption




Allows querying softphone statuses across organization. This can be helpful to generate insights such as - individual and departmental preferences, identifying current status of softphones, identifying opportunities to converge users' communication tools to realize better support and consistent user experiences. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data. Note: The tenantApiCode and apikey pre populated in the docs here is intended for accessing sandbox data to help understand the API only. For production integration use case, please access Plantronics Manager Pro's Admin->Accounts->Company Profile to get access to the tenantApiCode for the tenant. Please register here and generate your apikey for apps when you are ready to integrate with a production tenant data and your app.  



Returns the device inventory statistics based on the query filter paramters. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data. Note: The tenantApiCode and apikey pre populated in the docs here is intended for accessing sandbox data to help understand the API only. For production integration use case, please access Plantronics Manager Pro's Admin->Accounts->Company Profile to get access to the tenantApiCode for the tenant. Please register here and generate your apikey for apps when you are ready to integrate with a production tenant data and your app.  



Returns the device inventory statistics based on the query filter parameters. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data. Note: The tenantApiCode and apikey pre populated in the docs here is intended for accessing sandbox data to help understand the API only. For production integration use case, please access Plantronics Manager Pro's Admin->Accounts->Company Profile to get access to the tenantApiCode for the tenant. Please register here and generate your apikey for apps when you are ready to integrate with a production tenant data and your app.  



Returns the device inventory based on Id. Id is the tatoo id id of the Plantronics device if one is available. Otherwise it should be set to deviceId (the genes serial number). If the deviceId is manufactured the field should be excluded from the dataset. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42", apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" and deviceId value of "0AGTL8" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data. Note: The tenantApiCode and apikey pre populated in the docs here is intended for accessing sandbox data to help understand the API only. For production integration use case, please access Plantronics Manager Pro's Admin->Accounts->Company Profile to get access to the tenantApiCode for the tenant. Please register here and generate your apikey for apps when you are ready to integrate with a production tenant data and your app.  



Returns the device inventory statistics based on the query filter parameters. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42", apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" and username "dwalker" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data. Note: The tenantApiCode and apikey pre populated in the docs here is intended for accessing sandbox data to help understand the API only. For production integration use case, please access Plantronics Manager Pro's Admin->Accounts->Company Profile to get access to the tenantApiCode for the tenant. Please register here and generate your apikey for apps when you are ready to integrate with a production tenant data and your app.  



Finds device adoption patterns. This can be used to identify user adoption of product families, models, or individual devices based on known call activity engaging the device and a specific softphone. DEFINITION OF TERMS: Used in a Call: A call has been made or received within the specified period of time using the device and a specified softphone. Not Used in a Call: No calls have been made or received within the specified period of time using the device and a specified softphone. CONSTRAINTS: Mobile calls are only included in totals when the mobile device is connected to your computer. Device States - All the devices fall into one of the below 3 categories: 1. Active: last detected in past 30 days. 2. Inactive: last detected 31-90 days ago. 3. Out of Service: last detected more than 90 days ago. NOTE1: Must Specify either Device state or Last Seen Start time and End times. NOTE2: If Last Seen Start time and End times are specified, response will display all the products which are last detected in the specified range. NOTE3: If both Device state and Last Seen Start time and End times are specified, Device State will take the priority. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data. Note: The tenantApiCode and apikey pre populated in the docs here is intended for accessing sandbox data to help understand the API only. For production integration use case, please access Plantronics Manager Pro's Admin->Accounts->Company Profile to get access to the tenantApiCode for the tenant. Please register here and generate your apikey for apps when you are ready to integrate with a production tenant data and your app.  



Returns the bad detected conflicts in the headset and softphone deployment which may be impacting communication. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data. Note: The tenantApiCode and apikey pre populated in the docs here is intended for accessing sandbox data to help understand the API only. For production integration use case, please access Plantronics Manager Pro's Admin->Accounts->Company Profile to get access to the tenantApiCode for the tenant. Please register here and generate your apikey for apps when you are ready to integrate with a production tenant data and your app.  



View the distribution of devices among users, including Plantronics and non-Plantronics devices, and users without a detected device. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data. Note: The tenantApiCode and apikey pre populated in the docs here is intended for accessing sandbox data to help understand the API only. For production integration use case, please access Plantronics Manager Pro's Admin->Accounts->Company Profile to get access to the tenantApiCode for the tenant. Please register here and generate your apikey for apps when you are ready to integrate with a production tenant data and your app.  



Finds software version compliance status of a tenant. There are 3 categories of firmware and software versions identified here: Compliant: the device (or computer) is running the firmware (or software) version AS DEFINED by your active policy for that product. Non-Compliant: the device (or computer) is running a firmware (or software) version DIFFERENT from what you have defined in your policy for that product. No Policy: the device (or computer) is currently NOT MANAGED by an active policy. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data. Note: The tenantApiCode and apikey pre populated in the docs here is intended for accessing sandbox data to help understand the API only. For production integration use case, please access Plantronics Manager Pro's Admin->Accounts->Company Profile to get access to the tenantApiCode for the tenant. Please register here and generate your apikey for apps when you are ready to integrate with a production tenant data and your app.  



Finds device firmware version compliance status of a tenant. There are 3 categories of firmware and software versions identified here: Compliant: the device (or computer) is running the firmware (or software) version AS DEFINED by your active policy for that product. Non-Compliant: the device (or computer) is running a firmware (or software) version DIFFERENT from what you have defined in your policy for that product. No Policy: the device (or computer) is currently NOT MANAGED by an active policy. This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42" and apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data. Note: The tenantApiCode and apikey pre populated in the docs here is intended for accessing sandbox data to help understand the API only. For production integration use case, please access Plantronics Manager Pro's Admin->Accounts->Company Profile to get access to the tenantApiCode for the tenant. Please register here and generate your apikey for apps when you are ready to integrate with a production tenant data and your app.