Why you should mobilize your small business field sales force
Imagine missing out on a sale because your field sales rep couldn’t answer a customer’s question quickly enough. Maybe the information is back at the office on the computer or even on paper. Calling the [...]
Differentiating Your Brand Through Your Contact Center
Author: Blake Morgan Originally published on CMSwire.com When you go to your local grocery store do you notice how many kinds of the same products there are? How about the fact that many cars now [...]
Tips for conducting performance reviews for remote small business employees
Employee reviews can be uncomfortable, especially when they involve pointing out areas where small business employees need to improve performance. To be meaningful, managers need to spend time evaluating team members, identifying strengths and weaknesses [...]
Small businesses hiring is up. Make sure remote employees are productive and engaged
Small businesses aren’t letting uncertainty over the upcoming presidential election or holiday shopping dampen their outlook. A just released Fall/Winter Chase Business Leaders Outlook finds that 65% of nearly 900 small businesses surveyed are optimistic [...]
National Cyber Security Awareness Month: Protect remote small business workers against cyber bad tricks
Call it irony or coincidence, but October, the month in which we celebrate mischief and pranks, also is designated to remind companies that cyber criminals continue their bad tricks. October is annual National Cyber Security [...]
Mobile Unified Communications helps boost productivity of small business remote workers
Today’s workers are making it clear that they feel more productive working outside of the office when it comes to important work-related projects. (See: “Small business employees feel more productive working remotely, survey finds”). [...]