
Which of these 7 work types are you?

By |October 3rd, 2019|

Warrior or Communicator, we have a Google Voice-certified solution for you Earlier this year, we announced Poly’s VVX x50 OBi Edition desktop phones are the first certified desk phones to work with Google Voice for [...]

Poly Partners with Code Software

By |September 24th, 2019|

ClobbaDM Insights Improve Knowledge Worker Productivity and Call Quality As my holiday becomes a distant memory, I reflect on how too much noise can distract from what’s important.  On the first night of my camping [...]

Make Your Mobile Phone Work Harder at Work

By |September 16th, 2019|

Don’t just use your phone “at work,” use it to “do work.” With more than 2.7 billion smartphones across the globe, mobile technology continues to push boundaries and open up new possibilities for users. From [...]

Smarter Working 2020

By |September 4th, 2019|

In five months it will be the year 2020 – and “Unified Communications” will have been “launching” (by my count) for over twenty years.  I’m writing this blog using my mobile device on a commuter [...]

The Most Comfortable Headsets Around

By |September 3rd, 2019|

What we learned by testing our headsets in the perilous world of open offices The following blog is the second of a four-part series on the latest headset technology to help you get the most [...]