Poly Helps Empower Contact Center Workers
“I just want to speak to someone.” It’s a well-documented trend that the rise of digital channels such as webchat, apps, FAQs, etc., has led to a change in the way contact centers handle interactions. [...]
Creating Space for the “Me” in Microsoft Teams
A Preview of Poly at Microsoft Ignite In order to realize the full power of Microsoft Teams, users need the right devices. What may work in my office, my conference room or even my ears [...]
5 Critical Elements Information Tech Leaders Check Off Before Moving to Microsoft Teams
Part 1 of a 5-part series Part I: Why and When to Transition to Microsoft Teams The Unified Communications and Collaboration (UC&C) space is going through one of its greatest technological evolutions ever. IT Leaders [...]
Building More Productivity into our Headsets with Amazon Alexa and Tile
If you’re like me, one of the first things you do when you leave the house in the morning is put on your headset. I may be joining a meeting, calling a friend, getting coffee [...]
Poly Studio is now Certified for Microsoft Teams
5 ways Poly Studio can improve your Microsoft Teams Huddle Room It seems like every photo shown of a business in action these days features a bunch of people in a huddle room, looking productive [...]
Poly Studio X Family Makes it Easy to Bring the World to Classrooms of All Sizes
Imagine having a classroom that has the capability to instantly connect with an expert to answer a student’s question. Or to invite guest speakers to give a talk without the hassle and expense of travel. [...]