Discover other mobile workers with WorkSnug’s new app

By |2012-05-04T08:33:00-07:00May 4th, 2012|Smarter Working|

We’re very excited about the latest release of our iPhone app , which does some really cool things with LinkedIn. WorkSnug connects mobile workers to the nearest and best laptop friendly places around the world - and now, for the first time, you can now connect your LinkedIn account and see other WorkSnug users near you. It’s a bit like sharing a virtual business card with other laptop workers

Use Skype to add context to your teleworking experience

By |2012-05-01T16:24:00-07:00May 1st, 2012|Smarter Working|

If you’ve decided to ditch the office and work remotely, whether that’s from home or on the road, it’s really important to start your flexible working journey off on the right foot. And if you’ve got stakeholders involved, like a boss, a manager or other team members, it’s really important to keep them on board too. Cora ( @corasauras ) wrote some excellent tips on that for our blog, as well as some solid advice for making your teleworking experience a success

Infographic: The Year of the Enterprise Tablet

By |2012-04-24T12:46:48-07:00April 24th, 2012|Smarter Working|

This is what tablet adoption looks like - to me, at least: it starts with fanboys, queueing outside in the rain; it gets handed down to parents (who bug its original owners with support queries!); we want to take ours into work; the IT department resists, then finally caves in. We’re not quite there yet. We’re stuck at stage 2, helping our parents with their iPad-me-downs

Escaping the distractions of working from home

By |2012-04-23T11:33:39-07:00April 23rd, 2012|Smarter Working|

In recent years, there’s been an explosion of coworking spaces, coffee shops and libraries offering free wifi, as well casual coworking ‘Jelly’ events. The bemused home working onlooker might well be asking why all this is necessary, when they already have a perfectly good place to work at home that costs nothing. The fact is that while living and working in the same place has many advantages, such as allowing more time with family and the ability to juggle work and home commitments, it’s also a double-edged sword

Snug Sound Podcast #9: Evolution of Work

By |2012-04-12T16:06:00-07:00April 12th, 2012|Smarter Working|

We were delighted to speak to Head of Work Life Innovations at Cisco Bas Boorsma ( @BasBoorsma ) for the latest episode of our podcast. Bas and I spoke about how technology is helping - or rather, has helped - work evolve, and how the next big shift will be a change in culture