Over the course of several months, I have had the privilege of diving into the arena of “workspace” design. I got to work with an amazing team and solicited input from employees along the way to influence the final design.
Humans are funny. We love our habits and to foresee change makes us uncomfortable. However, once we experience change that seems to work, makes us feel better and hopefully helps others – we adapt. We get excited and become welcoming of the change. We begin to explore our new environment with enthusiasm.
That journey takes time. Some of us need a week to adjust while others need a couple of months.
But this is what I discovered. Living in the space, watching others operate in the new space improves your adaptability. You learn from others and from your own experience. The enthusiasm or frustration can be catchy. Of course we hope for the enthusiasm. :)
Another discovery. Work space matters. We get a “vibe” from our work spaces. We could feel energized or drained. It could be distracting if there is too much going on around us. Or we get happy as we share ideas, socialize within our community and feel like we belong to something special. Of course, that is our goal. Create a space that matters; that makes you feel good.
So – here is my advice.
Try out the new world. See what fits you. Give it time. And may I hope that only positive “vibes” become catchy. You will be happier….You may in fact become more productive. If not – change your work space. Sit in a different seat. Work with folks who give you positive energy. Find your groove. Smart companies create different spaces that should accommodate the most finicky work space customer. I believe we were smart…. Time will tell.