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As of August 29, 2022, HP Inc. completed the acquisition of Poly. For HP product support, please visit the HP Customer Support site.

Poly Trio - Microsoft Integration

Trio 8500, Trio 8800, Trio C60

Escalation Requirements

Information Needed  

Detailed Problem Description

Example: Trio C60 will drop calls after an hour into the meeting. This issue only happens over the customer’s internal network. I have included a detailed description of the customers network environment, the date and times the issue started, as well as my troubleshooting steps to replicate the problem. I have tried factory resetting the phone. I have attached the Microsoft Snooper trace, phone configs, and phone logs.

Common Baseline Information

  • Identify the Microsoft platforms in use. E.g., Skype for Business 2015 CU 8, Skype Online/O365, Teams, Exchange on-prem,      Exchange Online, etc.
  • Is the issue experienced on incoming or outgoing call? Is the call internal or external?
  • Is the C60 paired with another device, such as the G7500 or a Studio X product?
  • Is the endpoint in a Conference Call (AVMCU or Bridge) or is it a point-to-point call?
  • Is Microsoft Sign-In performed with AD Credentials, PIN Authentication, or Web Sign-in?
  • How many phones experience this problem?
  • When did the problem start happening? What changed?
  • What Poly UCS software version are the phones running?
  • Have you tried updating software?
  • What steps can you provide to reproduce the issue? Please consider providing a video of the issue.
  • Please let us know how you are provisioning the phone: HTTP(S), FTP, TFTP, RPRM, PDMS-E, PDMS-SP, etc.


Files Needed  

Support Information


Packet Captures

Packet captures are essential in troubleshooting potential network-related issues. A packet capture should be taken from a port mirrored to the phone’s port, preferably using Wireshark in promiscuous mode.

Files to Include

  • The Export_all.cfg and backup (.pbu) config, e.g., [MAC_address]_TrioC60_05-11-2020_23-09.pbu.
  • UCS Application and System Log files. Poly support will provide additional guidance on fine tuning the necessary logs based      on the problem description provided.
  • If the device is running native Teams, device logs can also be obtained from the Teams Admin Center (TAC).

Date & Time of the incident

Note the time and date for each instance the issue was reproduced. The phone logs provided must correspond to these times and dates. Include any relevant IP addresses, Call-IDs, and account/registration addresses.


  • The bar code label contains the following useful information: Serial number/MAC address, hardware revision, and manufacturing date code.




    • For additional device information from the phone’s menu options, go to Settings > Status > System Information.


    • To obtain System Information from the phone’s menu options, go to Device Settings > Status > System Information.
    • To obtain additional device information, go to Device Settings > Status > Platform > Phone.
    • To obtain Microsoft Components information, go to Device Settings > Status > Platform > Microsoft Components.


    • For additional device information from the phone’s Web UI, ensure the feature is enabled (phone will reboot), then using a web browser navigate to the phone’s IP address and enter the Admin credentials.


    • To enable the phone’s Web UI on the CCX in the Skype for Business profile, go to Settings > Advanced > Administration Settings > Web Server Configuration.


    • To enable the phone’s Web UI on the CCX in the Teams profile, go to Device Settings > Advanced > Administration Settings > Web Server Configuration.
    • Once the Web UI is accessible in either Skype for Business or Teams mode, go to the Home tab for device information.
    • To collect the required Export_all.cfg, go to Utilities > Import & Export Configuration > Export Configuration, ensure the “All Configuration (except Device Settings)” option is selected, then click on Export.
    • To collect the required backup config file, go to Utilities > Phone Backup & Restore > Phone Backup, and click on the Phone Backup option.
    • To download logs directly from the device via the Web UI, navigate to Diagnostics > View & Download Logs. Select UCS Application, then click on Export. Repeat these steps, but with System Log selected.