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As of August 29, 2022, HP Inc. completed the acquisition of Poly. For HP product support, please visit the HP Customer Support site.

End of life policy

Effective Date: 1 August 2022



Poly is continually striving to bring new solutions and features to the market that help our customers address their most pressing business and market needs and maximize their business results. Critical to this product ecosystem is a dynamic product life cycle. Poly will periodically discontinue or transition the sale of certain products and related services. Poly realizes that the End of Life milestone dates of Poly products impact our customer’s products. This policy helps to manage product end of life transitions and defines the role that Poly supports throughout the process.


Poly will communicate important milestone dates including End of Commercial Sale Dates as well as other key information pertaining to Poly Video, Phone Headset, Infrastructure and Service products. This policy also relates to Poly associated Cloud Services, Desktop Software Applications, and Mobile Software Applications.


“End of Commercial Sale Date” (EOCS) means the last date a purchase order may be placed unless there is additional inventory available for sale.

“End of Service Date” (EOSD) means the date on which the Poly products or service is no longer sold, manufactured, enhanced, repaired, maintained or supported (notwithstanding the Limited Warranty offered with the product to the end user or support for service agreement or statement of work as described in this EOL Policy).



Poly intends to provide a minimum of 60 days advanced written notice of the End of Commercial Sale Date for Poly products as stated in the Poly Product Discontinuation Bulletin (PDB).

Poly Partners have access to product and service specific end of life information from the Poly Partner Portal, including the Product End of Life Search tool to identify product End of Life Dates. Users of Poly products should contact their Poly certified reseller partners for EOL information.


End of Commercial Sale Notification Date    ➔    End of Commercial Sale Date    ➔    Last Ship Date    ➔    End of Engineering Support    ➔    End of Service Date    ➔    End of Active Service Agreements
Active Sales
End of Life (EOL) Period
Post EOL
EOL Notice Period (minimum of 60 days)
  • PDB Notice prior to End of Commercial Sale Date.

  • Last period for placing orders with Poly for a product.
Support During EOL Period for Active Service Agreements (up to 5 years)
  • Support generally includes the ability for customers to:
    • Open Support Requests and access technical experts.
    • Access Software and Firmware updates.
    • Request Hardware Repairs and Returns.
    • Access existing and request new Critical Software Bug Fixes and Security Fixes.

  • No New Software Feature or Enhancement requests are considered after the End of Commercial Sale Date for Products and Services.
Support after EOL Period
  • Service agreements are honored through their expiration date.



Active Service Agreements will be provided with the following support, subject to the terms of each effective Service Description and Statement of Work, see details below:

EOL Policy Matrix / Timeline for All Poly Products

Product Discontinuation
Bulletin Notification
End of Commercial Sale Date Support after End of Commercial Sale Date is available for customers with an active service agreement; unless noted otherwise.
Timeframe for support specified in
PDB notification
90 days Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Product Support - Hardware Products
HW / SW Technical Support    ( NOTE 1 )
HW Repair and Replace    ( NOTE 2 )
T + M HW Repair and Replace   ( NOTE 3 )
New Security and Critical SW Bug Fixes   ( NOTE 4 ) - -
Software Products
Cloud Services   ( NOTE 5 ) - -
Desktop Software Applications   ( NOTE 6 ) - - -
Mobile Software Applications   ( NOTE 6 ) - - -

NOTE 1Technical support for hardware and software for up to 5 years from the End of Commercial Sale Date or as posted in the Poly Product Discontinuation Bulletin on the Poly Partner Portal.

NOTE 2: Poly Hardware Repair/Replace support timeline is subject to inventory availability and based on the service agreement purchased.

NOTE 3Customers not covered by an active service agreement for End of Commercial Sale product may be able to purchase hardware repair and replace services for video, desk phone, and conference room speakerphone products on a time and materials basis for a period of up to two (2) years from the End of Commercial Sale Date (subject to inventory availability).

NOTE 4Software support for hardware and infrastructure products will be provided as follows:

  • Poly may provide a final firmware release before the end of the first year after the End of Commercial Sale Date. No firmware improvements will be made after the first year has expired.
  • Security and critical software bug fixes, as determined by Poly and industry practice, will be a minimum of 12 months following the End of Commercial Sale Date.
  • In some cases, security and critical software bug fixes may be provided during the EOL period at the sole discretion of Poly. In order to take advantage of security and critical software bug fixes, customers will need to upgrade to the latest software release.
  • Certain Poly products may require an active service agreement to obtain software support for the initial 12 months after End of Commercial Sale.

NOTE 5: Software support for Cloud Services will be as follows:

  • Poly will only support the current version of software.
  • Poly may provide a final software release before the end of the first year after the End of Commercial Sale Date. No software improvements will be made after the first year has expired.
  • Security and critical software bug fixes, as determined by Poly and industry practice, will be a minimum of 12 months following the End of Commercial Sale Date.
  • In some cases, security and critical software bug fixes may be provided during the EOL period at the sole discretion of Poly. In order to take advantage of security and critical software bug fixes, customers will need to upgrade to the latest software release.

NOTE 6: Desktop Software Applications and Mobile Software Applications:

  • Poly will only support the current version and previous version of software.
  • Poly may provide a final software release before the end of the End of Commercial Sale Date.
  • Security and critical software bug fixes, as determined by Poly and industry practice, will be a minimum of 3 months following the End of Commercial Sale Date.
  • In some cases, security and critical software bug fixes may be provided during the EOL period at the sole discretion of Poly.

For more information go to Poly Terms & Conditions for Services.


The terms set forth in this End-of-Life Policy may also be modified by the specific terms and conditions contained in any applicable warranty, Poly Product Discontinuation Bulletin notice, or other binding agreements entered between the parties specifically related to the subject matter herein. Poly may amend, suspend, and terminate any portion of this EOL Policy in its sole discretion. The Effective Date of any modification will be the date indicated by Poly on the updated version of this EOL Policy. Notice may be communicated by mail or electronic means, including without limitation, by a Poly designated website.