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As of August 29, 2022, HP Inc. completed the acquisition of Poly. For HP product support, please visit the HP Customer Support site.

G7500, Studio X50, and Studio X30

Escalation Requirements

Information Needed  

Detailed Problem Description

Example: G7500 will drop calls about 2 hours into the conference, this has been recreated in the customer environment. This issue only happens over the customer internal network. I have sent a detailed description of the customers network environment, date and times the issue started, as well as my troubleshooting steps to replicate the problem. I have tried to flash erase the box and reinstall the factory software as well as removed all 3rd party devices from the unit. I have attached the Support Information Package, as well as my Ethernet Traces.


Files Needed:  

Support Information

Logs are downloadable via the web interface of the suspect codec, log in via the IP address > Diagnostics > Logs > Download Logs > Download Logs. Logs will automatically download to the Downloads location configured within your browser.

Ethernet Traces

Ethernet traces are essential in helping resolve suspect network related issues, such as one way audio/video, connection issues, audio/video quality issues etc. Please be sure to notate the IP addresses of all hardware involved when providing a trace.

Call Type and Reproduction Steps

Call Type (H.323, SIP, etc.), as well as, call direction and dial string can narrow down potential causes of an issue. Step-by-Step details can be very helpful.

Date & Time of the incident

Include all the relevant information as far as the IP address of the codec in question, who’s connected to whom and their IP address, when was the issues seen / heard etc.

Serial Number Location

G7500 serial number is located on the underside of the system.

Studio X50 and Studio X30 serial numbers are located on the underside of each system.

Serial Number can be obtained via the Web UI

  • Click Dashboard, under System Details you will find the serial number

Serial Numbers may also be obtained through the system UI via the remote

  • Click 'Quick Access Menu'
  • Click 'Settings’
  • Select 'Information'
  • Select 'System Detail'