Trio 8500, Trio 8800, Trio C60
Escalation Requirements
Information Needed | |
Detailed Problem Description |
Example: Trio C60 will drop calls after an hour into the meeting. This issue only happens over the customer’s internal network. I have included a detailed description of the customers network environment, the date and times the issue started, as well as my troubleshooting steps to replicate the problem. I have tried factory resetting the phone. I have attached the Microsoft Snooper trace, phone configs, and phone logs. |
Common Baseline Information |
Files Needed | |
Support Information |
Packet Captures |
Packet captures are essential in troubleshooting potential network-related issues. A packet capture should be taken from a port mirrored to the phone’s port, preferably using Wireshark in promiscuous mode. |
Files to Include |
Date & Time of the incident |
Note the time and date for each instance the issue was reproduced. The phone logs provided must correspond to these times and dates. Include any relevant IP addresses, Call-IDs, and account/registration addresses. |
- For additional device information from the phone’s menu options, go to Settings > Status > System Information.
- To obtain System Information from the phone’s menu options, go to Device Settings > Status > System Information.
- To obtain additional device information, go to Device Settings > Status > Platform > Phone.
- To obtain Microsoft Components information, go to Device Settings > Status > Platform > Microsoft Components.
- For additional device information from the phone’s Web UI, ensure the feature is enabled (phone will reboot), then using a web browser navigate to the phone’s IP address and enter the Admin credentials.
- To enable the phone’s Web UI on the CCX in the Skype for Business profile, go to Settings > Advanced > Administration Settings > Web Server Configuration.
- To enable the phone’s Web UI on the CCX in the Teams profile, go to Device Settings > Advanced > Administration Settings > Web Server Configuration.
- Once the Web UI is accessible in either Skype for Business or Teams mode, go to the Home tab for device information.
- To collect the required Export_all.cfg, go to Utilities > Import & Export Configuration > Export Configuration, ensure the “All Configuration (except Device Settings)” option is selected, then click on Export.
- To collect the required backup config file, go to Utilities > Phone Backup & Restore > Phone Backup, and click on the Phone Backup option.
- To download logs directly from the device via the Web UI, navigate to Diagnostics > View & Download Logs. Select UCS Application, then click on Export. Repeat these steps, but with System Log selected.