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As of August 29, 2022, HP Inc. completed the acquisition of Poly. For HP product support, please visit the HP Customer Support site.

Unified Communications - Persistent Cyber Threats Awareness

Vulnerability Summary

Poly is aware of persistent cyber threats targeting unified communications devices that have been deployed in an insecure manor where manufacturer provided default passwords or PINs have not been changed.

  1. Cyber actors are scanning the internet for devices that are deployed, using default passwords and PINs.  The malicious actors are attempting to gain unauthorized access to these devices to retrieve device and customer specific configuration information. This information may then be used to: Gain intelligence related to the network configuration of the environment where the device is deployed; and,

  2. Placing fraudulent international phone calls; or,

  3. Identify devices that are running outdated firmware that may contain vulnerabilities, allowing the cyber actor to leverage targeted attacks against the vulnerable device.  



Last Update: 3/7/2022
Initial Public Release: 1/18/2019
Advisory ID:  PLYGN19-01


Customers are encouraged to follow recommended best security practices:

  1. Ensure that all default passwords have been changed; and,

  2. Monitor and review logs to identify unusual activity, including failed login attempts; and,

  3. Regularly patch and update systems and device firmware, these updates may include fixes that address vulnerabilities; and,

  4. Disable unnecessary or unused services; and,

  5. Configure firewalls and other network protection services to block traffic from unauthorized IP addresses; and,

  6. Periodically change passwords and use a strong password; and,

  7. Follow manufacture recommended best practices for a secure deployment.



There is no workaround.


Any customer using an affected system who is concerned about this vulnerability within their deployment should contact Poly Technical Support(888) 248-4143, (916) 928-7561, or visit the Poly Support Site.


Revision History
1.0 1/18/2019 Initial Release
1.1 1/24/2019 Updated Acknowledgement
2.0 3/7/2022 Format Changes

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