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RealPresence Resource Manager - Jboss Application Server Impact

Vulnerability Summary

Poly RealPresence Resource Manager (RPRM) systems may be vulnerable to remote code injection, which if exploited might allow attackers to execute system commands or gain remote access.

JBoss Application Server is vulnerable to remote command execution via the ‘HTTP Invoker’ service that provides Remote Method Invocation (RMI over HTTP). Access to the URLs ‘/invoker/EJBInvokerServlet’ or ‘/invoker/JMXInvokerServlet’ with detached invoker operation via an HTTP POST request can be used to deploy a malicious remote Web Application Archive.

This exploit is consistent with CVE: 2013-4810 and OSVDB-ID: 97153.



CVE 2013-4810
JBoss Application Server is vulnerable to remote command execution via the ‘HTTP Invoker’ service that provides Remote Method Invocation (RMI over HTTP). Access to the URLs ‘/invoker/EJBInvokerServlet’ or ‘/invoker/JMXInvokerServlet’ with detached invoker operation via an HTTP POST request can be used to deploy a malicious remote Web Application Archive.

Poly released a firmware update to address this vulnerability.


Last Update: 3/4/2022
Initial Public Release: 12/20/2013
Advisory ID:  PLYUI13-07

CVE ID: CVE-2013-4810
CVSS Score: 10.0

Product Affected
RealPresence Resource Manager Prior to 7.1.1 HF6 8.1 and above

At this time, Poly has developed hot fix RPRM 7.1.1 HF6 which removes the vulnerability. This is available through Poly support. Official release 8.1 resolves this issue as well and can be downloaded from These fixes are available through Poly support. Poly recommends customers upgrade to firmware build 8.1 or later.



Administrators concerned about this attack vector should patch their RPRM system to the latest available fix as soon as practical. Prior to patching, this potential vulnerability can be mitigated by placing the RPRM system in Maximum Security Mode (MSM) or behind a firewall. Access through ports 80 and 8080 should be blocked. Access should be restricted to secure ports 443 and/or 8443. Any unauthorized POST requests to ‘/invoker/JMXInvokerServlet’ on an RPRM system should be treated as highly suspicious, as should outbound requests for access to files with the extensions ‘.war’ or ‘.pl’.

Poly recommends that customers evaluate network access control lists, firewalls, and other network protections to ensure that they have been deployed in a manner that is consistent with security best practices. The risk presented by this potential vulnerability to Poly products, as well as other networked devices, may be mitigated by these controls. Customers should also ensure that Poly products have been configured as recommended by Poly implementation guides. Customers may wish to implement additional event monitoring and review until such time that an update is installed.


Any customer using an affected system who is concerned about this vulnerability within their deployment should contact Poly Technical Support(888) 248-4143, (916) 928-7561, or visit the Poly Support Site.



Poly would like to thank Steven Bairstow from Security Operations & Services (SOS), The Pennsylvania State University for reporting security vulnerabilities to us and for their coordinated disclosure.

Revision History
1.0 12/12/2013
Initial Release
2.0 3/4/2022
Format Changes

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