Resources | Methods |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/poly-license |
GET Gets the Poly licensing client config.
PUT Configures the instance for Poly licensing. |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/poly-license/status |
GET Gets the Poly licensing status, including all licensed features.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/poly-license/op |
GET Gets a Poly licensing request.
POST Installs a license response (encoded license) from the server. DELETE Release any installed licenses and generate a 1-time-only release code. |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/poly-license/op/alt |
GET Gets an alternate Poly licensing request.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/poly-license/op/ack |
GET Gets an ACK code for an installed Poly license (verifies installation of a license for a server).
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/poly-license/op/update |
POST If the system is configured to auto-update licenses then perform an update now.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/refresh-licenses |
POST Instructs the product to contact the license server to check for an update to the license.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/authority-config |
PUT Configures the license authority.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/disable-licensing-burst-feature |
PUT Disable Licensing Burst feature.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/enable-licensing-burst-feature |
PUT Enable Licensing Burst feature.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/cfs-config |
PUT Applies the CFS license.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/license-status |
GET Returns the license status and associated features associated with this product.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/call-reservation |
GET Retrieve a list of all existing license call reservations.
POST . |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/call-reservation/{call-id} |
GET Retrieve a specific existing license call reservation.
PUT Update a specific existing license call reservation. DELETE Delete (release) a specific existing license call reservation. |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/call-reservation/{call-id}/renew |
POST Renew a specific existing license call reservation.
GETGets the Poly licensing client config. Use this value to perform set/reconfigurations.[tags: DMA] RequestResponse
PUTConfigures the instance for Poly licensing.[tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
GETGets the Poly licensing status, including all licensed features.[tags: DMA] RequestResponse
GETGets a Poly licensing request. If a previous ALT license is already installed then this will bethe equavalent of getting the alternate license request. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
POSTInstalls a license response (encoded license) from the server.[tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
DELETERelease any installed licenses and generate a 1-time-only release code. After this call the system will have noinstalled licenses. The release code returned cannot be regenerated. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
GETGets an alternate Poly licensing request.[tags: DMA] RequestResponse
GETGets an ACK code for an installed Poly license (verifies installation of a license for a server).This code may be regenerated at any time for normal and alternate licenses. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
POSTIf the system is configured to auto-update licenses then perform an update now.[tags: DMA] RequestResponse
POSTInstructs the product to contact the license server to check for an update to the license. This methoddoes not block waiting for the product to contact the license server but instead returns immediately after notifying the client to perform an update to the license. [tags: DMA,PD,RPRM] Response
PUTConfigures the license authority.[tags: DMA,PD,RPRM] RequestRepresentations
PUTDisable Licensing Burst feature.[tags: DMA] Response
PUTEnable Licensing Burst feature.[tags: DMA] Response
PUTApplies the CFS license.[tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
GETReturns the license status and associated features associated with this product.[tags: DMA,PD,RPRM] RequestResponse
GETRetrieve a list of all existing license call reservations.[tags: DMA_INTERNAL] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
call-id | xs:string | call-id |
GETRetrieve a specific existing license call reservation.[tags: DMA_INTERNAL] RequestResponse
PUTUpdate a specific existing license call reservation.[tags: DMA_INTERNAL] RequestRepresentations
DELETEDelete (release) a specific existing license call reservation.[tags: DMA_INTERNAL] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
call-id | xs:string | call-id |
POSTRenew a specific existing license call reservation. The client must provide the appropriate ETAGvalue in the If-Match header of the request or in the entity-tag field on the body. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse