plcm-veq.xsd Documentation

Imported Namespaces

Target Namespace


plcm-veq  PlcmVeq

A system virtual entry queue. There are two kind of VEQ. 1) Virtual Entry Queue. 2) Direct Dial Virtual Entry Queue. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-veq+xml. All attributes are used in ETag calculation except for entity-tag and atom-link.

Complex Types

PlcmVeq Fields

atomLinkList List of linkSee Definition of link
veq-identifierVeqIdentifier ID which uniquely identifies each VEQ. This is system generated unique identifier. This attribute is read-only.
veq-numberVeqNumber ID in sip:id@host, and may be a portion of the dial string. This is not applicable for direct dial VEQ.
dial-in-numberxs:string Dial string to access VEQ. This attribute is read-only.
mcu-entry-queueMcuEntryQueue Entry queue name on media servers. Mandatory
descriptionDescription Description of the VEQ.
max-vmr-attemptsMaxVmrAttempts How many times may an end user attempt to enter a VMR number? Mandatory
prompt-setPromptSet Prompt set associated with VEQ. This is not applicable for direct dial VEQ.
response-timeoutxs:int Window of time in which DTMF must be provided upon prompt for input. Range for valid timeout is 5-60. This is not applicable for direct dial VEQ.
dtmf-terminatorxs:string Key to terminate DTMF input. This is not applicable for direct dial VEQ. Pattern for valid key is [*#]
operator-urixs:string URI to connect to operator. This is not applicable for direct dial VEQ.
operator-request-keyxs:string Key to manually request for operator connect. This is not applicable for direct dial VEQ. Pattern for valid key is [0-9*#]{1,4}
operator-cancel-keyxs:string Key to cancel operator connect request. This is not applicable for direct dial VEQ. Pattern for valid key is [0-9*#]{1,4}
operator-cancel-timeoutxs:int Window of time in which a manual operator request can be cancelled. Range for valid timeout is 1-10. This is not applicable for direct dial VEQ.
is-external-ivrxs:boolean States that entry queue can be associated with traditional or external control IVR. The value of this attribute will be set by system based on entry queue type.
is-publishablexs:boolean Is this a publishable VEQ?
tenant-uidTenantUid CAA tenant/External Lync system UID associated with this VEQ.
is-direct-dialxs:boolean States that VEQ is a direct dial queue or not. Mandatory
script-enabledxs:boolean Flag indicating that the preliminary script is enabled.
scriptxs:string An executable Javascript script that defines filtering and/or transformation actions applied to a VEQ.
entity-tagEntityTag The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance.

Simple Types

Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=64
Length of value must be >=0
Length of value must be <=256
Length of value must be >=0
Length of value must be <=256
Length of value must be >=0
Length of value must be <=80
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=256
Length of value must be >=0
Length of value must be <=20
Length of value must be >=0
Length of value must be <=256
Pattern of value must match the regular expression [0-9]*