

PlcmSubnetV2 Fields

plcmSiteTopologyBitRateV2 PlcmSiteTopologyBitRateV2See Definition of PlcmSiteTopologyBitRateV2
subnetIdentifierstring Internal identifier. Provided to protect against a name update. This is a read only field populated by the server. When updating a site, the subnet identifiers must be preserved and provided to the server. When adding a new subnet, the subnet-identifier must be left empty.
nameName A meaningful name for the subnet (up to 128 characters). Mandatory
ipAddressstring The IP address of the subnet. Mandatory
subnetMaskLengthint The CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) prefix size value4 (the number of leading 1 bits in the routing prefix mask). This value, together with the IP Address, defines the subnet Mandatory
maximumBandwidthlong The total bandwidth limit for voice and video calls in Mbps. If not configured, the site limit applies.

Nested Types/Restrictions

Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=128