Specifies snmp version.
Specifies snmp transport type.
Specifies snmp authentication type.
Specifies snmp notification type.
Specifies snmp encryption type.
Specifies snmp minimum-notification-interval.
Configurations for the trapsink line on snmpd.
Configurations for the pass line on snmpd.
Security user used for external notification agents.
Agent where snmpd will send traps.
Snmp configuration for listening agent and sending traps to notification agents
Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
atomLinkList | Array of Link | See Definition of Link | |
plcmSnmpConfigTrapSinksList | Array of PlcmSnmpConfigTrapSinks | See Definition of PlcmSnmpConfigTrapSinks | |
plcmSnmpConfigPassListList | Array of PlcmSnmpConfigPassList | See Definition of PlcmSnmpConfigPassList | |
plcmSnmpConfigSecurityUserList | Array of PlcmSnmpConfigSecurityUser | See Definition of PlcmSnmpConfigSecurityUser | |
plcmSnmpConfigNotificationAgentList | Array of PlcmSnmpConfigNotificationAgent | See Definition of PlcmSnmpConfigNotificationAgent | |
plcmSnmpConfigMinimumNotificationInterval | PlcmSnmpConfigMinimumNotificationInterval | See Definition of PlcmSnmpConfigMinimumNotificationInterval | Mandatory |
plcmSnmpConfigVersion | PlcmSnmpConfigVersion | See Definition of PlcmSnmpConfigVersion | Mandatory |
plcmSnmpConfigTransport | PlcmSnmpConfigTransport | See Definition of PlcmSnmpConfigTransport | Mandatory |
enabled | boolean | Is Snmp Agent turned on? | Mandatory |
product | Product | Product name controlling this snmp agent | Mandatory |
port | int | Snmp port for listening | Mandatory |
community | Community | Community name controlling this snmp agent | Mandatory |
contact | Contact | Contact name controlling this snmp agent | Mandatory |
location | Location | Location name for this snmp agent. Applied to RPRM, location can be POLYCOM_RESOURCE_SCHEDULE_MANAGEMENT or POLYCOM_CMA_MIB. | Mandatory |
securityUser | SecurityUser | Security-user login for this snmp agent. This user must exist in the security user list contained in this API | |
entityTag | EntityTag | The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance. |
Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
plcmSnmpConfigVersion | PlcmSnmpConfigVersion | See Definition of PlcmSnmpConfigVersion | Mandatory |
plcmSnmpConfigNotificationType | PlcmSnmpConfigNotificationType | See Definition of PlcmSnmpConfigNotificationType | Mandatory |
plcmSnmpConfigTransport | PlcmSnmpConfigTransport | See Definition of PlcmSnmpConfigTransport | Mandatory |
enabled | boolean | Is Snmp Agent turned on? | Mandatory |
address | Address | FQDN or IP address of external notification agent | Mandatory |
port | unsignedInt | Port of external notification agent | Mandatory |
securityUserLogin | SecurityUserLogin | Security user to use for this agent. This user must be defined in the security users list of the enclosing snmp-config object | |
clientData | ClientData | Client data that is stored and retreived with this this agent, but not written to snmpd.conf. For rprm, it is reserved, it is same as leaf enabled, but will not be saved, and if changed internal, it will return same value as leaf enabled. | Mandatory |
Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
plcmSnmpConfigEncryptionType | PlcmSnmpConfigEncryptionType | See Definition of PlcmSnmpConfigEncryptionType | Mandatory |
plcmSnmpConfigAuthenticationType | PlcmSnmpConfigAuthenticationType | See Definition of PlcmSnmpConfigAuthenticationType | Mandatory |
login | Login | Security user name | |
userAuthenticationPassword | UserAuthenticationPassword | Authentication-password | |
userEncryptionPassword | UserEncryptionPassword | Encryption-password |
Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
oidToPass | OidToPass | base oid to pass to a program | Mandatory |
programPath | ProgramPath | Path of the program to receive the passed data | Mandatory |
Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
host | Host | FQDN or IP of host to trap sink to | Mandatory |
trapCommunity | TrapCommunity | SNMP Community to trap sink to | Mandatory |
port | unsignedInt | Port to trap sink to | Mandatory |
Name | Type | Restrictions |
EntityTag | string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=64 |
SecurityUser | string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=64 |