plcm-poly-license-entitlement.xsd Documentation

Target Namespace


plcm-poly-license-entitlement  PlcmPolyLicenseEntitlement

Defines a licensed entitlement / feature.

Complex Types

PlcmPolyLicenseEntitlement Fields

namexs:string Specifies the entitlement name Mandatory
valuexs:string Specifies the entitlement value Mandatory
valueTypexs:string Specifies the entitlement type of the value Boolean, Number, String Mandatory
assignmentLevelxs:string Specifies the entitlement assignment level (tenant or product) Mandatory
typexs:string Specifies the entitlement type (normal, perpetual, trial) Mandatory
expirationStatusxs:string Indicates the entitlement expiration status (expired, expires_less_than_1_day, expires_less_than_3_days, expires_less_than_14_days, expires_less_than_30_days, or not_close_to_expiring Mandatory
expiresxs:dateTime Date and time the entitlement expires. Mandatory
renewalExpiresxs:dateTime Date and time the entitlement will be renewed before it is seen by the client as expired. Mandatory