plcm-poly-evo-config.xsd Documentation

Imported Namespaces

Target Namespace


plcm-poly-evo-config  PlcmPolyEvoConfig

Complex Types

PlcmPolyEvoConfig Fields

atomLinkList List of linkSee Definition of link
poly-evo-service-enabledxs:boolean True if the Poly EVO service is enabled. False otherwise Mandatory
secure-port-numberxs:int The Poly EVO secure port number
secure-port-number-publicxs:int The Poly EVO secure port for the public (WAN) network interface if it's different than the private (LAN) network interface. If this value is not specified, the public network interface Poly EVO port number will be the same as that of the private network interface.
dial-planxs:string The name or UID of the dial plan to use for H.323 calls with endpoints in the private network. If not supplied the default authorized dial plan will be assigned.
dial-plan-publicxs:string The name or UID of the dial plan to use for H.323 calls with endpoints in the public network. If not supplied the default authorized dial plan will be assigned.
acl-idxs:string The UID of the ACL to use for Poly EVO calls with endpoints in the private network.
acl-id-publicxs:string The UID of the ACL to use for Poly EVO calls with endpoints in the public network.
registration-policy-idxs:string The UID of the registration policy to use for listening points in the private network.
registration-policy-id-publicxs:string The UID of the registration policy to use for listening points in the public network.
cluster-namexs:string The name of the cluster to which the config applies.
cluster-identifierxs:string The identifier of the cluster to which the config applies.
entity-tagEntityTag The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance.
allow-guestxs:boolean Allows unauthenticated EVO registration for guests on the private or public/private interface.
allow-guest-publicxs:boolean Allows unauthenticated EVO registration for guests on the public interface.

Simple Types

Value must be one of:
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=64