

Historical usage data about the video network Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-network-usage+xml. All attributes are used in ETag calculation except for entity-tag and atom-links.

PlcmNetworkUsage Fields

callsStartedint Number of calls started in the scope during the time interval.
callsEndedint Number of calls ended in the scope during the time interval.
callsDownspeededint Number of calls downspeeded due to bandwidth limits at the throttlepoint during the time interval
callsDroppedint Number of calls rejected or evicted due to bandwidth limits at the throttlepoint during the time interval.
bitrateLimitint The (maximum) configured bitrate limit for the scope during the time interval, or -1 if no limit was configured (kbps)
bandwidthLimitint The (maximum) configured bandwidth limit for the scope during the time interval, or -1 if no limit was configured (kbps).
bandwidthUsageint The (maximum) used bandwidth for the scope during the time interval (kbps)
bandwidthUsagePercentageBandwidthUsagePercentage The (maximum) percentage of the bandwidth limit used for the scope during the time interval (kbps).
packetLossPercentPacketLossPercent Mean packet loss percentage of all QoS reports in the scope during the time interval.
avgVideoJitterint Mean jitter of all QoS reports of all video channels in the scope during the time interval (milliseconds).
maxVideoJitterint Maximum jitter of all QoS reports of all video channels in the scope during the time interval (milliseconds).
avgVideoDelayint Mean delay of all QoS reports of all video channels in the scope during the time interval (milliseconds).
maxVideoDelayint Maximum delay of all QoS reports of all video channels in the scope during the time interval (milliseconds).
avgAudioJitterint Mean jitter of all QoS reports of all audio channels in the scope during the time interval (milliseconds).
maxAudioJitterint Maximum jitter of all QoS reports of all audio channels in the scope during the time interval (milliseconds).
avgAudioDelayint Mean delay of all QoS reports of all audio channels in the scope during the time interval (milliseconds).
maxAudioDelayint Maximum delay of all QoS reports of all audio channels in the scope during the time interval (milliseconds).
goldCallsint Max concurrent Gold class calls in the scope during the time interval.
silverCallsint Max concurrent Silver class calls in the scope during the time interval
bronzeCallsint Max concurrent Bronze class calls in the scope during the time interval.
audioCallsint Max concurrent audio calls in the scope during the time interval
calls256Kbpsint Max concurrent video calls with a bitrate less than or equal to 320kbps in the scope during the time interval
calls384Kbpsint Max concurrent video calls with a bit rate greater than 320kbps and less than or equal to 448kbps in the scope during the time interval.
calls512Kbpsint Max concurrent video calls with a bit rate greater than 448kbps and less than or equal to 640kbps in the scope during the time interval
calls768Kbpsint Max concurrent video calls with a bit rate greater than 640kbps and less than or equal to 896kbps in the scope during the time interval
calls1Mbpsint Max concurrent video calls with a bit rate greater than 896kbps and less than or equal to 1.5Mbps in the scope during the time interval
calls2Mbpsint Max concurrent video calls with a bit rate greater than 1.5Mbps and less than or equal to 3Mbps in the scope during the time interval.
calls4Mbpsint Max concurrent video calls with a bit rate greater than 3Mbps in the scope during the time interval.
sipCallsint Max concurrent calls using SIP signaling in the scope during the time interval.
h323Callsint Max concurrent calls using H.323 signaling in the scope during the time interval
gatewayCallsint Max concurrent calls using the SIP to H.323 gateway in the scope during the time interval.
conferenceCallsint Max concurrent Conference Manager calls in the scope during the time interval.
rejectedSipCallsint Number of rejected calls using SIP signaling in the scope during the time interval.
rejectedH323Callsint Number of rejected calls using H.323 signaling in the scope during the time interval.
rejectedSipRegistrationsint Number of rejected registrations using SIP signaling in the scope during the time interval.
rejectedH323Registrationsint Number of rejected registrations using H.323 signaling in the scope during the time interval.

Nested Types/Restrictions

Value must be one of:
Value must be one of:
  • SITE