
Type definitions for network addresses, which can be either in Ipv4 or Ipv6 format and carry some additional data such as purpose and scope of an address.


Defines an ip-address with its purpose, IP version and several other properties.


Represents a list of plcm-network-address elements.

PlcmNetworkAddressList Fields

plcmNetworkAddressList Array of PlcmNetworkAddressSee Definition of PlcmNetworkAddress

PlcmNetworkAddress Fields

addressPlcmInetAddress The value of the address. Can be ipv4 or ipv6 format but must not specify prefix (CIDR) Mandatory
addressTypePlcmNetworkAddressType Describes the purpose of the address Mandatory
versionPlcmIpVersion The version of the address, ipv6 or ipv4
prefixLengthint Prefix length of the address (CIDR).
orderint Used to impose preferred ordering when necessary as is the case when providing multiple DNS server addresses.
addressScopePlcmNetworkAddressScope The scope of the area in which the address is valid.
dynamicboolean (IPv6 only) Specifies whether the address is dynamic (assigned by SLAAC)
deprecatedboolean (IPv6 only) Specifies whether the address s deprecated - if true the address is no longer valid for new connections.
tentativeboolean (IPv6 only) Specifies whether the address has failed duplicate address detection. true = failed, false = passed