

An MCU managed by the DMA system. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-mcu-v7+xml. All attributes are used in ETag calculation except for dma-audio-ports, dma-video-ports, dma-used-audio-ports, dma-used-video-ports, total-used-audio-ports, total-used-video-ports, used-softblade-video-mhz, total-softblade-video-mhz, entity-tag and atom-link-list.

PlcmMcuV7 Fields

atomLinkList Array of LinkSee Definition of Link
plcmMcuConnectionStatusList Array of PlcmMcuConnectionStatusSee Definition of PlcmMcuConnectionStatus
plcmRegistrationAdmissionPolicy PlcmRegistrationAdmissionPolicySee Definition of PlcmRegistrationAdmissionPolicy
plcmMcuServicingStatus PlcmMcuServicingStatusSee Definition of PlcmMcuServicingStatus
plcmMcuCapacity PlcmMcuCapacitySee Definition of PlcmMcuCapacity
plcmDialRulePreliminary PlcmDialRulePreliminarySee Definition of PlcmDialRulePreliminary
plcmGatewayProfileList Array of PlcmGatewayProfileSee Definition of PlcmGatewayProfile
plcmSipTransportType PlcmSipTransportTypeSee Definition of PlcmSipTransportType
plcmServiceClassV2 PlcmServiceClassV2See Definition of PlcmServiceClassV2
plcmSignalingTypeList PlcmSignalingTypeListSee Definition of PlcmSignalingTypeListMandatory
plcmMcuType PlcmMcuTypeSee Definition of PlcmMcuTypeMandatory
mcuIdentifierstring Unique identifier of the MCU.
namestring Name of the MCU. Mandatory
managementIpstring Management IP of MCU; required if signaling addresses are not provided for the MCU.
managementUsernamestring Administrative user ID with which the Polycom equipment can log into the MCU; required if signaling addresses are not provided for the MCU.
managementPasswordstring Password for the administrative user ID; required if signaling addresses are not provided for the MCU.
permanentboolean Indicates that the device's registration with the call server should never expire. For MCUs, this value should be true.
overrideDefaultServiceClassboolean When true, plcm-service-class-v2 must be specified in the request. When false, plcm-service-class-v2 value will be determined by the system default.
h323SignalingIpArray of string The address used for H.323 signaling; required if login information is not specified for the MCU.
sipSignalingIpstring The address used for SIP signaling; required if login information is not specified for the MCU.
isGatewayboolean Indicates that the device is available as an ISDN gateway device.
gatewayDelimiterstring The dial string delimiter used to separate the session profile prefix from the ISDN E.164 number.
enabledForConferenceRoomsboolean Indicates that the device is available as a conferencing resource for the Polycom DMA system's Conference Manager.
stripPrefixboolean Indicates that the system should strip the prefix when a call that includes a prefix is routed to this MCU.
directDialInPrefixstring The dialing prefix assigned to the MCU. Supplying this value makes the MCU available for direct prefix-based dialing.
mediaAddressesMediaAddresses Address used for media; required if login information is not specified for the MCU.
reservedAudioPortsunsignedShort The number of audio ports on the MCU that is off-limits to DMA.
reservedVideoPortsunsignedShort The number of CIF video ports on the MCU that is off-limits to DMA.
reservedCascadingPortsunsignedShort The number of CIF ports on the MCU reserved for cascading.
rmxProfilesRmxProfiles Profiles defined on this MCU (if the MCU supports the feature). Read-only.
ivrServicesIvrServices IVR services defined on this MCU (if the MCU supports the feature). Read-only.
recordingLinksRecordingLinks Recording links defined on this MCU (if the MCU supports the feature). Read-only.
overlapboolean Indicates the MCU is in more than one pool.
dmaAudioPortsunsignedShort The number of audio ports on the MCU that is available to the DMA.
dmaVideoPortsunsignedShort The number of CIF video ports on the MCU that is available to the DMA.
dmaUsedAudioPortsunsignedShort The number of audio ports on the MCU that is currently used by DMA.
dmaUsedVideoPortsunsignedShort The number of CIF video ports on the MCU that is currently used by DMA.
totalUsedAudioPortsunsignedShort Total number of audio ports on the MCU that is currently used.
totalUsedVideoPortsunsignedShort Total number of CIF video ports on the MCU that is currently used.
supportsSVCboolean If the MCU supports SVC conference.
passbackPassback User defined value that is opaque to the system.
entityTagEntityTag The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance.
alertWhenMcuUnregistersboolean Indicates that the DMA should create a system alert when the MCU unregisters.
supportsLync2013Cascadingboolean Indicates whether this MCU supports Lync2013 Cascading. Read-Only.
supportsWebrtcboolean Indicates whether this MCU supports WebRTC endpoints. Read-Only.
supportsLync2013ExternalSystemsCascadingboolean Indicates whether this MCU supports Lync2013 external systems Cascading using Lync CAA. Read-Only.
reservedCascadingPortsOverallunsignedShort The number of CIF ports on the MCU reserved for cascading across all conferences.
modelstring MCU model name. Read-Only.
versionstring MCU model version. Read-Only.
aliasesAliases List of alias associated with MCU. Read-Only.
sitestring Site associated with MCU. Read-Only.
territorystring Territory associated with MCU. Read-Only.
ownerDomainstring MCU owner's domain. Read-Only.
ownerstring MCU owner. Read-Only.
callForwardingRulesCallForwardingRules List of call forwarding rule. Read-Only.
aorstring Address of record for MCU. Read-Only.
sipContactAddressesSipContactAddresses List of SIP contact headers. Read-Only.
sipUserNamestring User part of SIP URI. Read-Only.
pathHeadersPathHeaders List of SIP path headers. Read-Only.
registrarAddressstring Registrar address. Read-Only.
proxyAddressstring Proxy address. Read-Only.
rasAddressesRasAddresses List of RAS address. Read-Only.
authenticationNamestring MCU authentication name. Read-Only.
deviceAuthenticationEnabledboolean Authentication status. Read-Only.
complianceLevelComplianceLevel Registration compliance level. Read-Only.
sipRegistrationStatusSipRegistrationStatus MCU SIP registration status. Read-Only.
h323RegistrationStatusH323RegistrationStatus MCU H.323 registration status. Read-Only.
ipAddressesIpAddresses List of IP address associated with MCU. Read-only.
mcuPoolsMcuPools List of MCU pool name with which MCU is associated. Read-Only.
activeCallCountint Active call count on this MCU. Read-Only.
ivrEnabledboolean IVR feature support status. Read-Only.
recordingEnabledboolean Recording feature support status. Read-Only.
supportsMediaRelayboolean Media relay feature support status. Read-Only.
failureRateFailureRate MCU call failure rate. Read-Only.
disconnectsLast24HoursDisconnectsLast24Hours MCU logouts in past 24 hours. Read-Only.
supportsSvcCascadeboolean SVC cascade feature support status. Read-Only.
supportsMsRdpContentboolean Indicates whether this MCU supports MS RDP content transcoding. Read-Only.
supportsInConferenceIvrboolean Indicates whether this MCU supports externally defined in-conference IVR. Read-Only.
cifToHdRatioCifToHdRatio Number of CIF ports divided by number of HD ports.
exceptionsstring Shows any exceptions with which the mcu was flagged as a result of applying a registration policy.
directAccessboolean Direct access to MCU.
statestring Polycom MCU current state of: Normal, Connected, Major, Minor. Unknown for non-Polycom MCU devices. Read-Only.
gatekeeperAddressstring The gatekeeper address used by this MCU to register to this DMA/cluster. Read-Only.
maxPercentToStartMaxPercentToStart The percent utilization of the MCU after which new conferences will be, if possible, directed to other MCUS

McuPools Fields

mcuPoolArray of string MCU pool name with which MCU is associated.

IpAddresses Fields

ipAddressArray of string IP address associated with MCU.

RasAddresses Fields

rasAddressArray of string RAS address.

PathHeaders Fields

pathHeaderArray of string SIP path header value.

SipContactAddresses Fields

sipContactAddressArray of string SIP contact header value.

CallForwardingRules Fields

callForwardingRuleArray of CallForwardingRule Call forwarding rule.

Aliases Fields

aliasArray of string Alias associated with MCU.

RecordingLinks Fields

recordingLinkArray of string Name of a defined recording link.

IvrServices Fields

ivrServiceArray of string Name of a defined IVR service.

RmxProfiles Fields

rmxProfileArray of string Name of a defined profile.

MediaAddresses Fields

mediaAddressArray of string Address of a media path.

Nested Types/Restrictions

Value must be one of:
  • NotRegistered
  • Inactive
  • Active
  • Blocked
  • Quarantined
  • QuarantinedInactive
Value must be one of:
  • NotRegistered
  • Inactive
  • Active
  • Blocked
  • Quarantined
  • QuarantinedInactive
Value must be one of:
Value must be one of:
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=64
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=512