atomLinkList | List of link | See Definition of link | |
plcmMcuConnectionStatusList | List of plcm-mcu-connection-status | See Definition of plcm-mcu-connection-status | |
plcm-registration-admission-policy | plcm-registration-admission-policy | See Definition of plcm-registration-admission-policy | |
plcm-mcu-servicing-status | plcm-mcu-servicing-status | See Definition of plcm-mcu-servicing-status | |
plcm-mcu-capacity | plcm-mcu-capacity | See Definition of plcm-mcu-capacity | |
plcm-dial-rule-preliminary | plcm-dial-rule-preliminary | See Definition of plcm-dial-rule-preliminary | |
plcmGatewayProfileList | List of plcm-gateway-profile | See Definition of plcm-gateway-profile | |
plcm-sip-transport-type | plcm-sip-transport-type | See Definition of plcm-sip-transport-type | |
plcm-service-class-v2 | plcm-service-class-v2 | See Definition of plcm-service-class-v2 | |
plcm-signaling-type-list | plcm-signaling-type-list | See Definition of plcm-signaling-type-list | Mandatory |
plcm-mcu-type | plcm-mcu-type | See Definition of plcm-mcu-type | Mandatory |
mcu-identifier | xs:string |
Unique identifier of the MCU.
| |
name | xs:string |
Name of the MCU.
| Mandatory |
management-ip | xs:string |
Management IP of MCU; required if signaling addresses are not provided for
the MCU.
| |
management-username | xs:string |
Administrative user ID with which the Polycom equipment can log into the
MCU; required if signaling addresses are not provided for the MCU.
| |
management-password | xs:string |
Password for the administrative user ID; required if signaling addresses are
not provided for the MCU.
| |
permanent | xs:boolean |
Indicates that the device's registration with the call server should never
expire. For MCUs, this value should be true.
| |
h323-signaling-ip | List of xs:string |
The address used for H.323 signaling; required if login information is not
specified for the MCU.
| |
sip-signaling-ip | xs:string |
The address used for SIP signaling; required if login information is not
specified for the MCU.
| |
is-gateway | xs:boolean |
Indicates that the device is available as an ISDN gateway device.
| |
gateway-delimiter | xs:string |
The dial string delimiter used to separate the session profile prefix from
the ISDN E.164 number.
| |
enabled-for-conference-rooms | xs:boolean |
Indicates that the device is available as a conferencing resource for the
Polycom DMA system's Conference Manager.
| |
strip-prefix | xs:boolean |
Indicates that the system should strip the prefix when a call that includes a
prefix is routed to this MCU.
| |
direct-dial-in-prefix | xs:string |
The dialing prefix assigned to the MCU. Supplying this value makes the MCU
available for direct prefix-based dialing.
| |
media-addresses | MediaAddresses |
Address used for media; required if login information is not
specified for the MCU.
| |
reserved-audio-ports | xs:unsignedShort |
The number of audio ports on the MCU that is off-limits to DMA.
| |
reserved-video-ports | xs:unsignedShort |
The number of CIF video ports on the MCU that is off-limits to DMA.
| |
reserved-cascading-ports | xs:unsignedShort |
The number of CIF ports on the MCU reserved for cascading.
| |
rmx-profiles | RmxProfiles |
Profiles defined on this MCU (if the MCU supports the feature).
| |
ivr-services | IvrServices |
IVR services defined on this MCU (if the MCU supports the feature).
| |
recording-links | RecordingLinks |
Recording links defined on this MCU (if the MCU supports the feature).
| |
overlap | xs:boolean |
Indicates the MCU is in more than one pool.
| |
dma-audio-ports | xs:unsignedShort |
The number of audio ports on the MCU that is available to the DMA.
| |
dma-video-ports | xs:unsignedShort |
The number of CIF video ports on the MCU that is available to the DMA.
| |
dma-used-audio-ports | xs:unsignedShort |
The number of audio ports on the MCU that is currently used by DMA.
| |
dma-used-video-ports | xs:unsignedShort |
The number of CIF video ports on the MCU that is currently used by DMA.
| |
total-used-audio-ports | xs:unsignedShort |
Total number of audio ports on the MCU that is currently used.
| |
total-used-video-ports | xs:unsignedShort |
Total number of CIF video ports on the MCU that is currently used.
| |
supports-SVC | xs:boolean |
If the MCU supports SVC conference.
| |
passback | Passback |
User defined value that is opaque to the system.
| |
entity-tag | EntityTag |
The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance.
| |
alert-when-mcu-unregisters | xs:boolean |
Indicates that the DMA should create a system alert when the MCU unregisters.
| |
supports-lync2013-cascading | xs:boolean |
Indicates whether this MCU supports Lync2013 Cascading. Read-Only.
| |
supports-webrtc | xs:boolean |
Indicates whether this MCU supports WebRTC endpoints. Read-Only.
| |
supports-lync2013-external-systems-cascading | xs:boolean |
Indicates whether this MCU supports Lync2013 external systems Cascading using Lync CAA. Read-Only.
| |
reserved-cascading-ports-overall | xs:unsignedShort |
The number of CIF ports on the MCU reserved for cascading across all conferences.
| |
model | xs:string |
MCU model name. Read-Only.
| |
version | xs:string |
MCU model version. Read-Only.
| |
aliases | Aliases |
List of alias associated with MCU. Read-Only.
| |
site | xs:string |
Site associated with MCU. Read-Only.
| |
territory | xs:string |
Territory associated with MCU. Read-Only.
| |
owner-domain | xs:string |
MCU owner's domain. Read-Only.
| |
owner | xs:string |
MCU owner. Read-Only.
| |
call-forwarding-rules | CallForwardingRules |
List of call forwarding rule. Read-Only.
| |
aor | xs:string |
Address of record for MCU. Read-Only.
| |
sip-contact-addresses | SipContactAddresses |
List of SIP contact headers. Read-Only.
| |
sip-user-name | xs:string |
User part of SIP URI. Read-Only.
| |
path-headers | PathHeaders |
List of SIP path headers. Read-Only.
| |
registrar-address | xs:string |
Registrar address. Read-Only.
| |
proxy-address | xs:string |
Proxy address. Read-Only.
| |
ras-addresses | RasAddresses |
List of RAS address. Read-Only.
| |
authentication-name | xs:string |
MCU authentication name. Read-Only.
| |
device-authentication-enabled | xs:boolean |
Authentication status. Read-Only.
| |
compliance-level | ComplianceLevel |
Registration compliance level. Read-Only.
| |
registration-status | RegistrationStatus |
MCU registration status. Read-Only.
| |
ip-addresses | IpAddresses |
List of IP address associated with MCU. Read-only.
| |
mcu-pools | McuPools |
List of MCU pool name with which MCU is associated. Read-Only.
| |
active-call-count | xs:int |
Active call count on this MCU. Read-Only.
| |
ivr-enabled | xs:boolean |
IVR feature support status. Read-Only.
| |
recording-enabled | xs:boolean |
Recording feature support status. Read-Only.
| |
supports-media-relay | xs:boolean |
Media relay feature support status. Read-Only.
| |
failure-rate | FailureRate |
MCU call failure rate. Read-Only.
| |
disconnects-last-24-hours | DisconnectsLast24Hours |
MCU logouts in past 24 hours. Read-Only.
| |
supports-svc-cascade | xs:boolean |
SVC cascade feature support status. Read-Only.
| |
supports-ms-rdp-content | xs:boolean |
Indicates whether this MCU supports MS RDP content transcoding. Read-Only.
| |
supports-in-conference-ivr | xs:boolean |
Indicates whether this MCU supports externally defined in-conference IVR. Read-Only.
| |
cif-to-hd-ratio | CifToHdRatio |
Number of CIF ports divided by number of HD ports.
| |