atomLinkList | Array of Link | See Definition of Link | |
plcmMcuServicingStatus | PlcmMcuServicingStatus | See Definition of PlcmMcuServicingStatus | |
plcmMcuCapacity | PlcmMcuCapacity | See Definition of PlcmMcuCapacity | |
plcmDialRulePreliminary | PlcmDialRulePreliminary | See Definition of PlcmDialRulePreliminary | |
plcmGatewayProfileList | Array of PlcmGatewayProfile | See Definition of PlcmGatewayProfile | |
plcmSipTransportType | PlcmSipTransportType | See Definition of PlcmSipTransportType | |
plcmServiceClassV2 | PlcmServiceClassV2 | See Definition of PlcmServiceClassV2 | |
plcmSignalingTypeList | PlcmSignalingTypeList | See Definition of PlcmSignalingTypeList | Mandatory |
plcmMcuType | PlcmMcuType | See Definition of PlcmMcuType | Mandatory |
mcuIdentifier | string |
Unique identifier of the MCU.
| |
name | string |
Name of the MCU.
| Mandatory |
managementIp | string |
Management IP of MCU; required if signaling addresses are not provided for
the MCU.
| |
managementUsername | string |
Administrative user ID with which the Polycom equipment can log into the
MCU; required if signaling addresses are not provided for the MCU.
| |
managementPassword | string |
Password for the administrative user ID; required if signaling addresses are
not provided for the MCU.
| |
permanent | boolean |
Indicates that the device's registration with the call server should never
expire. For MCUs, this value should be true.
| |
h323SignalingIp | Array of string |
The address used for H.323 signaling; required if login information is not
specified for the MCU.
| |
sipSignalingIp | string |
The address used for SIP signaling; required if login information is not
specified for the MCU.
| |
isGateway | boolean |
Indicates that the device is available as an ISDN gateway device.
| |
gatewayDelimiter | string |
The dial string delimiter used to separate the session profile prefix from
the ISDN E.164 number.
| |
enabledForConferenceRooms | boolean |
Indicates that the device is available as a conferencing resource for the
Polycom DMA system's Conference Manager.
| |
stripPrefix | boolean |
Indicates that the system should strip the prefix when a call that includes a
prefix is routed to this MCU.
| |
directDialInPrefix | string |
The dialing prefix assigned to the MCU. Supplying this value makes the MCU
available for direct prefix-based dialing.
| |
mediaAddresses | MediaAddresses |
Address used for media; required if login information is not
specified for the MCU.
| |
reservedAudioPorts | unsignedShort |
The number of audio ports on the MCU that is off-limits to DMA.
| |
reservedVideoPorts | unsignedShort |
The number of video ports on the MCU that is off-limits to DMA.
| |
reservedCascadingPorts | unsignedShort |
The number of ports on the MCU reserved for cascading.
| |
rmxProfiles | RmxProfiles |
Profiles defined on this MCU (if the MCU supports the feature).
| |
ivrServices | IvrServices |
IVR services defined on this MCU (if the MCU supports the feature).
| |
recordingLinks | RecordingLinks |
Recording links defined on this MCU (if the MCU supports the feature).
| |
overlap | boolean |
Indicates the MCU is in more than one pool.
| |
dmaAudioPorts | unsignedShort |
The number of audio ports on the MCU that is available to the DMA.
| |
dmaVideoPorts | unsignedShort |
The number of video ports on the MCU that is available to the DMA.
| |
dmaUsedAudioPorts | unsignedShort |
The number of audio ports on the MCU that is currently used by DMA.
| |
dmaUsedVideoPorts | unsignedShort |
The number of video ports on the MCU that is currently used by DMA.
| |
totalUsedAudioPorts | unsignedShort |
Total number of audio ports on the MCU that is currently used.
| |
totalUsedVideoPorts | unsignedShort |
Total number of video ports on the MCU that is currently used.
| |
supportsSVC | boolean |
If the MCU supports SVC conference.
| |
passback | Passback |
User defined value that is opaque to the system.
| |
entityTag | EntityTag |
The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance.
| |
alertWhenMcuUnregisters | boolean |
Indicates that the DMA should create a system alert when the MCU unregisters.
| |
supportsLync2013Cascading | boolean |
Indicates whether this MCU supports Lync2013 Cascading. Read-Only.
| |