plcm-isdn-number-assignment-gateway-extension-dialing.xsd Documentation

Target Namespace


plcm-isdn-number-assignment-gateway-extension-dialing  PlcmIsdnNumberAssignmentGatewayExtensionDialing

Complex Types

PlcmIsdnNumberAssignmentGatewayExtensionDialing Fields

isdn-gateway-numberxs:string An ISDN gateway phone number for the site. This field is just for your reference. It is not used by the software to process calls. Mandatory
e164-startxs:string The beginning of the range of E.164 extensions associated with the site. This can only contain the digits 0-9 Mandatory
e164-endxs:string The end of the range of E.164 extensions associated with the site. This can only contain the digits 0-9 Mandatory