plcm-ext-sip-peer.xsd Documentation

Imported Namespaces

Target Namespace


plcm-ext-sip-peer  PlcmExtSipPeer

External SIP Peers are servers to which the system can route calls and from which it may receive calls. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-ext-sip-peer+xml. All attributes are used in ETag calculation except for entity-tag and atom-link.

Complex Types

PlcmExtSipPeer Fields

plcmExtSipPeerOutboundRegistrationList List of plcm-ext-sip-peer-outbound-registrationSee Definition of plcm-ext-sip-peer-outbound-registration
atomLinkList List of linkSee Definition of link
ext-sip-peer-identifierxs:string Internal identifier. Provided to protect against a name update.
nameName A meaningful name for the External SIP Peer. This field is mandatory. Max size 128 characters. Mandatory
descriptionDescription A brief description of the External SIP Peer. Max size 128 characters.
addressAddress Fully qualified domain name (FQDN), host name, or IP address of the peer server. If you specify a domain/host name, the system routes calls to this peer by using DNS to resolve the address. The DNS server that the system uses must contain the required records (NAPTR, SRV, and/or A/AAAA). Max size 128 characters. Mandatory
destination-networkDestinationNetwork Host name, FQDN, or network domain label of the peer server, with or without port and URL parameters. If specified, this value by default replaces the non-user portion of a URL (after the @ symbol) of the To header and Request-URI for forwarded messages, and just the Request-URI for REGISTER messages. If Type is set to Microsoft, this field is required, is used for the peer’s domain, and is implicitly added to the Domain List (if not already there). Max size 128 characters.
prefix-rangePrefixRange The dial string prefix(es) assigned to this peer server. Enter a single prefix (44), a range of prefixes (44-47), or multiple prefixes separated by commas (44,46). If your dial plan uses the Dial services by prefix dial rule (in the default dial plan) to route calls to services, all dial strings beginning with an assigned prefix are forwarded to this peer server for resolution. Note: For a SIP peer, the dial string must either include the protocol or consist of only the prefix and user name (no @domain). For instance, if the SIP peer’s prefix is 123, the dial string for a call to must be one of the following:,, or 123alice. If your dial plan instead uses a rule that you create to apply the Resolve to external SIP peer action, there is no need to specify a prefix. Max size 128 characters.
transport-typeTransportType The transport protocol to use when contacting this peer server. The default is UDP. Auto detect tells the system to select the protocol using DNS as specified in RFC 3263, and is not valid if Next hop address is a numeric IP address instead of a host/domain name.
sip-peer-typeSipPeerType For a Microsoft Office Communications Server or Lync Server 2010, select Microsoft. For a DMA SIP Peer that is responsible for counting call call licenses, select DMA_Licensed. For a DMA SIP Peer that relies on a DMA_Licensed peer to count call licenses, select DMA_Subordinate. Otherwise, select Other. Selecting Microsoft implicitly adds the Destination network value to the Domain List (if not already there) and automatically selects the Postliminary settings that are correct for most deployments with Lync Server 2010, but you can modify them if necessary.
to-header-templatexs:string A template for formatting the To header in dial string transformations. There are variables that can be used in this template - for their descriptions and purpose please refer to the DMA Operations Guide. NOTE: Since this field normally contains XML-illegal characters, it must be wrapped in a CDATA block so that the DMA XML parser can parse it.
request-uri-templatexs:string A template for formatting the request URI in dial string transformations. There are variables that can be used in this template - for their descriptions and purpose please refer to the DMA Operations Guide. If this is provided the supplied URI will be applied, if not it will be ignored. NOTE: Since this field normally contains XML-illegal characters, it must be wrapped in a CDATA block so that the DMA XML parser can parse it.
postliminary-enabledxs:boolean Whether or not the postliminary script is enabled.
postliminary-scriptxs:string The postliminary script text. NOTE: Since this field normally contains XML-illegal characters, it must be wrapped in a CDATA block so that the DMA XML parser can parse it.
enabledxs:boolean Allows you to stop using an external SIP peer server without deleting it.
server-portxs:int The SIP signaling port number. Defaults to the standard UDP/TCP port, 5060. If the peer server is using a different port number, specify it. If omitted or blank, the system uses the full RFC 3263 procedure to determine the port via DNS.
handle-authenticationxs:boolean When it receives a 401 (Unauthorized) response from this SIP peer, the Call Server presents its authentication credentials. Note: SIP authentication requests are never passed to an H.323 endpoint (a gateway call). If the Call Server can’t provide the required credentials, the call fails.
handle-proxy-authenticationxs:boolean When it receives a 401 response from this SIP peer, the Call Server passes it to the source of the request. Note: SIP authentication requests are never passed to an H.323 endpoint (a gateway call). If the Call Server can’t provide the required credentials, the call fails.
perform-configured-outbound-registrationsxs:boolean Some external SIP peers require peers to register with them as an endpoint does, using a REGISTER message. Use this field to enable the External Registration tab and configure the system to register with this external peer server, following the rules specified in RFC 3261.
autodowngradexs:boolean If true, and if this peer doesn’t support TLS, the system can change the Request-URI schema from sips to sip and route the call to this peer. If false, the system routes a TLS call to this peer only if this peer supports TLS.
strip-prefixxs:boolean If true, the system strips the prefix when a call that includes a prefix is routed to this peer.
use-format-configurationxs:boolean If true, enables dial string transformations using the To header and Request-URI option settings instead of a customized script. If false, enables usage of a customized script specified in Note: The system generates a script that implements the settings made in this section. To see (and perhaps copy) the generated script, you can temporarily set this option false and use customized script. To help you learn how to write your own script, you can make different settings in this section and see how the generated script changes.
use-route-headerxs:boolean Add a Route header with the peer’s Next hop address value to the message. Applies to both forwarded messages and external REGISTER messages. If false, the only valid Request-URI configurations are those that use the peer's Next hop address value for the URI host.
domainsList of xs:string If your dial plan uses a rule to apply the Resolve to external SIP peer action, you can restrict calls to this peer server to specific domains by adding the authorized domains to this list. If this list is empty, all domains can resolve to this peer. Note: In some circumstances (depending on network topology and configuration), dialing loops can develop if you don't restrict peer servers to specific domains.
authenticationList of Authentication Authentication/credentials.
use-output-format-rather-that-customized-scriptxs:boolean Enables dial string transformations using the To header and Request-URI option settings below instead of a customized script. Note: The system generates a script that implements the settings made in this section. To see (and perhaps copy) the generated script, you can temporarily set this to false and see the results in a subsequent GET. To help you learn how to write your own script, you can make different settings in this section and see how the generated script changes.
copy-params-of-to-headerxs:boolean Copies any parameters included in the original To header to the To header sent to this peer. This setting applies to all format options.
postliminary-to-header-formatPostliminaryToHeaderFormat Specify a predefined format or select Free Form Template and define the format in the associated Template field. NOTE: If this element is omitted on submit it will be set to a default that depends on the value of the SIP Peer type.
request-uri-formatRequestUriFormat Specify a predefined format or select Free Form Template and define the format in the associated Template field. NOTE: If this element is omitted on submit it will be set to a default that depends on the value of the SIP Peer type.
passbackPassback User defined value for that is opaque to the system
challenge-peerxs:boolean Flag to instruct DMA to challenge inbound requests from this peer for authentication credentials.
entity-tagEntityTag The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance.

Authentication Fields

realmxs:string Unique string that identifies the protection domain to which this set of credentials applies. Generally includes the host or domain name of the SIP peer. See RFC 2617 and RFC 3261. Mandatory only when using authentication. Mandatory
usernamexs:string Username. Mandatory only when using authentication. Mandatory
passwordxs:string Passwords are set on Create and may be updated in Update. Passwords are never sent in responses. A missing password element on update of an existing Authentication means to leave the password for that Authentication unchanged. A password element with no text content on update of an existing Authentication means to set that password to an empty string. Mandatory only when using authentication.

Simple Types

Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=64
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=512
Value must be one of:
Value must be one of:
Value must be one of:
  • Other
  • Microsoft
  • DMA_Licensed
  • DMA_Subordinate
Value must be one of:
  • UDP
  • TCP
  • TLS
Length of value must be >=0
Length of value must be <=128
Length of value must be >=0
Length of value must be <=128
Length of value must be >=0
Length of value must be <=128
Length of value must be >=0
Length of value must be <=128
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=128