

The current supercluster status of a DMA cluster. Read-only. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-dma-supercluster-cluster+xml.

PlcmDmaSuperclusterCluster Fields

atomLinkList Array of LinkSee Definition of Link
plcmDmaSuperclusterClusterServerList Array of PlcmDmaSuperclusterClusterServerSee Definition of PlcmDmaSuperclusterClusterServer
plcmTerritoryV2List Array of PlcmTerritoryV2See Definition of PlcmTerritoryV2
plcmDmaSuperclusterClusterType PlcmDmaSuperclusterClusterTypeSee Definition of PlcmDmaSuperclusterClusterType
plcmDmaSuperclusterClusterServicingStatus PlcmDmaSuperclusterClusterServicingStatusSee Definition of PlcmDmaSuperclusterClusterServicingStatus
plcmDmaSuperclusterClusterReachability PlcmDmaSuperclusterClusterReachabilitySee Definition of PlcmDmaSuperclusterClusterReachability
clusterIdentifierstring Unique identifier for the cluster. Mandatory
localClusterboolean Indicates that this cluster is the cluster being communicated with.
versionstring The version of the cluster's server(s).
proxiasVersionstring The version of the proxias service.
applicationVersionstring The version of the application deployed on cluster.
clusterNamestring Cluster name. Mandatory
addressIpv4string Cluster host address, IPv4.
addressIpv6string Cluster host address, IPv6.
clusterReachableboolean Indicates whether cluster is active or not.
h323RasPortint H.323 RAS port.
h323SignalingPortint H.323 signaling port.
sipTcpPortint SIP proxy TCP port.
sipUdpPortint SIP proxy UDP port.
sipTlsPortint SIP proxy TLS port.
hasTerritoryResponsibilityboolean Indicates that the cluster is the primary or backup cluster for one or more territories.
hostNamestring Cluster host name.
hardwareModelstring Hardware model of the system.
serialNumberstring Serial number of the server.
upTimestring Time since server is up and running.
localTimeZonestring Time zone configured at server.
externalTimeSourceboolean Indicates that external time source is configured.
activeManagementHoststring Active management host of the cluster.
privateLinkUpboolean Link status of private interface.
privateLinkDuplexstring Private interface duplex configuration.
privateLinkSpeedint Private interface speed.
managementLinkUpboolean Link status of management interface.
managementLinkDuplexstring Management interface duplex configuration.
managementLinkSpeedint Management interface speed.
signalingLinkUpboolean Link status of signaling interface.
signalingLinkDuplexstring Signaling interface duplex configuration.
signalingLinkSpeedint Signaling interface speed.
splitNetworkboolean Indicates that the network is configured in split mode.
networkInterfaceArray of NetworkInterface
cpuCoreCountint CPU cores of the system.
cpuUtilizationint CPU utilization percentage.
totalMemoryint Total memory available at system (in MB).
freeMemoryint Free memory available at system (in MB).
totalSwapint Total swap space available at system (in MB).
freeSwapint Free swap space available at system (in MB).
bufferMemoryint Buffer memory space (in MB).
cacheMemoryint Cache memory space (in MB).
totalDiskSpaceint Total hard disk space available at system (in MB).
freeDiskSpaceint Free disk space available at system (in MB).
usedDiskSpaceint Used disk space at system (in MB).
usedDiskPercentageint Percentage of disk space used at system.
totalLogSpaceint Total log space available at system (in MB).
usedLogSpaceint Used log space at system (in MB).
usedLogSpacePercentageint Percentage of log space used at system.
entityTagEntityTag The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance.

NetworkInterface Fields

interfaceTypeInterfaceType Type of network interface. Mandatory
macAddressstring MAC address of the interface.
physicalIpv4Addressstring Physical IPv4 address of the interface.
physicalIpv6Addressstring Physical IPv6 address of the interface.
virtualIpv4Addressstring Virtual IPv4 address of the interface.
virtualIpv6Addressstring Virtual IPv6 address of the interface.

Nested Types/Restrictions

Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=64
Value must be one of: