

Dial rules specify how the Polycom RealPresence DMA system Call Server uses the dial string to determine where to route the call. This dial string may include an IP address, a string of numbers that begin with a prefix associated with a service, a string that begins with a country code and city code, or a string that matches a particular alias for a device. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-dial-rule-v2+xml. All attributes are used in ETag calculation except for entity-tag and atom-link.

PlcmDialRuleV2 Fields

atomLinkList Array of LinkSee Definition of Link
dialRuleIdentifierstring The unique identifier of this dial rule. This a read-only field that is assigned by the DMA.
orderNumberint The order of the dial rule. If a current dial rule exists with this order, it and all existing dial rules with lower orders will be moved down by one.
dialPlanNamestring Name of dial plan this rule belongs to Mandatory
descriptionstring A description of the dial rule. Mandatory
actionstring The action to be performed. Some actions come with additional settings. See the choices that follow for more information. Valid values and their description are list below: BLOCK - Blocks the call RESOLVE_IP - Tries to treat the dial string as an IP address, and if it can, assumes it’s the address (and port, if included) of an unregistered endpoint. If no port is specified, it uses the default port of the signaling protocol. RESOLVE_REGISTERED_EP - Looks for a registered endpoint (active or inactive) that has the same alias or signaling address. RESOLVE_LYNC_ID - Queries an integrated Lync SIP peer for a Lync AVMCU-based conference with a matching conference ID. This dial rule action enables Polycom RealConnectTM functionality. RESOLVE_LYNC_ID_AUTO_ATTENDANT RESOLVE_SERVICE_PREFIX - Looks for a service prefix that matches the beginning of the dial string (not counting the URI scheme, if present). RESOLVE_EXT_SIP_PEER - Checks the domain of the dial string against all of the rule’s selected peers, looking for a peer proxy responsible for that domain. If the dial string matches the domain of one of the selected SIP peers, this rule will either successfully route the call, or the call will be aborted; no subsequent dial rules will be attempted. RESOLVE_EXT_POLY_EVO_PEER RESOLVE_EXT_GK - If the dial string appears to be an H.323 alias, simultaneously sends LRQ messages to all of the rule’s selected gatekeepers. RESOLVE_EXT_ADDR - Determines if the dial string is a well-formed instance of an external address type to which the rule applies, and if so, uses the resolution procedures specified in the applicable standard for that address type. RESOLVE_CONF_ROOM - Looks for a conference room (virtual meeting room, or VMR) that matches the dial string. RESOLVE_VEQ - Looks for a shared-number entry queue that matches the dial string. RESOLVE_CONTENT_SERVER - If the call is a content sharing request from Lync client, forward the call to a content server. RESOLVE_CONF_ROOM_WITH_AUTODIAL - If a dial string matches the specified format, start the conference and dialout to the designated system. Mandatory
enabledboolean This allows the user to turn off a rule without deleting it. Mandatory
scriptEnabledboolean Flag indicating that the preliminary script is enabled.
scriptstring An executable Javascript script that defines filtering and/or transformation actions applied to a VEQ.
relayMediaboolean If the media relay system is enabled this indicates that all calls using this dial rule to resolve should have their media relayed/hair-pinned if possible.
entityTagEntityTag The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance.
overrideDefaultConferenceTemplateNameboolean This field has false value if default value is set for conference template name.
overrideDefaultMcuPoolOrderNameboolean This field has false value if default value is set for MCU pool order.
overrideDefaultFirstCallerMcuAffinityboolean This field has false value if default value is set for MCU selection.
conferenceTemplatestring For use with the RESOLVE_LYNC_ID action: The conference template used to start the conference. If one is not specified, the Default conference template configured in Admin > Conference Manager > Conference Settings will be used. Keep in mind that the conference template must specify a Conference mode of AVC only, or the conference will not start.
mcuPoolOrderstring For use with the RESOLVE_LYNC_ID action: The MCU pool order to use for MCUs that provide Lync AVMCU cascade functionality. If one is not specified, the dial rule will use the default pool order configured in the Default MCU pool order field on the Admin > Conference Manager > Conference Settings page.
mcuAffinitystring For use with the RESOLVE_LYNC_ID action: MCU_POOL tells the DMA to prefer the MCU in the first MCU pool. CALLER_SITE tells the DMA to prefer the MCU in the first caller's site
lyncSipPeerArray of string For use with the RESOLVE_LYNC_ID action: External SIP Peers that are of type Microsoft and are setup to use RealConnect conferences.
externalLyncSystemArray of string For use with the RESOLVE_LYNC_ID_AUTO_ATTENDANT action: External lync systems to use.
devicesBelongEveryDomainboolean For use with the RESOLVE_SERVICE_PREFIX action: Prefix devices belong to every domain.
routingPolicystring For use with the RESOLVE_EXT_SIP_PEER action: The policy affects the way the system resolves dial strings to SIP peers: PARALLEL - The system uses all SIP peers simultaneously to try to resolve the dial string. WEIGHTED_ROUND_ROBIN - You can assign each SIP peer a weight in the range 1-100, with a higher weight giving a SIP peer higher priority; the system tries each SIP peer sequentially according to the SIP peer’s assigned weight. You can assign a SIP peer different weights in different dial rules. Mandatory
externalSipPeerArray of ExternalSipPeer For use with the RESOLVE_EXT_SIP_PEER action: The list of sip peers for the dial rule to use.
externalGatekeeperArray of string For use with the RESOLVE_EXT_GK action: External gatekeepers to use.
extPolyEvoPeerstring External Poly EVO peer to use.
useSipUriboolean For use with the RESOLVE_EXT_ADDR action: Apply this rule for SIP URI: RFCs 3261 and 3263
useH323UrlIdboolean For use with the RESOLVE_EXT_ADDR action: Apply this rule for H.323 url-ID: H.323 specification, Annex O
useH323EmailIdboolean For use with the RESOLVE_EXT_ADDR action: Apply this rule for H.323 Email-ID: H.225.0 specification, Appendix IV
resolveExtAddrOverrideSipTransport_enabledboolean For use with the RESOLVE_EXT_ADDR action: Override inbound callers origional transport method
resolveExtAddrOverrideSipTransportResolveExtAddrOverrideSipTransport Override the SIP transport from the origional caller
resolveConferenceRoomIdboolean For use with the RESOLVE_CONF_ROOM action: Apply this rule for conference room ids
resolveConferenceRoomAliasboolean For use with the RESOLVE_CONF_ROOM action: Apply this rule for conference room aliases
confRoomAutodialDialTypeConfRoomAutodialDialType For use with the RESOLVE_CONF_ROOM_WITH_AUTODIAL action: The type of autodial that will be done. Default is URL_TOPO_H323.
confRoomAutodialMatchingTypeConfRoomAutodialMatchingType For use with the RESOLVE_CONF_ROOM_WITH_AUTODIAL action: Type of dial string format being used. Values are TEAMS, GENERIC, and OTHER.
confRoomAutodialSipPeersArray of string For use with the RESOLVE_CONF_ROOM_WITH_AUTODIAL action: External SIP Peers to use for conference with autodial.
confRoomAutodialGkPeersArray of string For use with the RESOLVE_CONF_ROOM_WITH_AUTODIAL action: External Gatekeeper Peers to use for conference with autodial.
autodialNamestring For use with the RESOLVE_CONF_ROOM_WITH_AUTODIAL action: Name value to set for the auto dialed out participant or the default name, VMR-Cascade, will be selected if none is specified.
confRoomAutodialConferenceTemplatestring For use with the RESOLVE_CONF_ROOM_WITH_AUTODIAL action: The conference template used to start the conference. If one is not specified, the Default conference template configured in Admin > Conference Manager > Conference Settings will be used. Keep in mind that the conference template must specify a Conference mode of AVC only, or the conference will not start.
confRoomAutodialMcuPoolOrderstring For use with the RESOLVE_CONF_ROOM_WITH_AUTODIAL action: The MCU pool order to use for MCUs that provide Lync AVMCU cascade functionality. If one is not specified, the dial rule will use the default pool order configured in the Default MCU pool order field on the Admin > Conference Manager > Conference Settings page.
confRoomAutodialMcuAffinitystring For use with the RESOLVE_CONF_ROOM_WITH_AUTODIAL action: MCU_POOL tells the DMA to prefer the MCU in the first MCU pool. CALLER_SITE tells the DMA to prefer the MCU in the first caller's site
resolveIpOverrideSipTransportEnabledboolean For use with the RESOLVE_EXT_ADDR action: Override inbound callers origional transport method
resolveIpOverrideSipTransportResolveIpOverrideSipTransport Override the SIP transport from the origional caller

ExternalSipPeer Fields

sipPeerNamestring The name of the external sip peer to use. Mandatory
roundRobinWeightRoundRobinWeight Used in conjunction with the WEIGHTED_ROUND_ROBIN routing policy. You can assign each SIP peer a weight in the range 1-100 , with a higher weight giving a SIP peer higher priority; the system tries each SIP peer sequentially according to the SIP peer’s assigned weight. You can assign a SIP peer different weights in different dial rules.

Nested Types/Restrictions

Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=64
Value must be one of:
  • UDP
  • TCP
  • TLS
  • AUTO
Value must be one of:
Value must be one of:
  • URL_TOPO_H323
  • H323_GKS
Value must be one of:
  • UDP
  • TCP
  • TLS
  • AUTO