

Request to test the dial rules. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-dial-rule-test-request+xml.

PlcmDialRuleTestRequest Fields

dialStringstring This is the DIAL_STRING variable in the script, which is initially set to the dial string being evaluated. Mandatory
callerSitestring A site to use to set the first four caller variables. CALLER_SITE_AREA_CODE CALLER_SITE_COUNTRY_CODE CALLER_SITE_DIGITS CALLER_SITE_NAME
callerH323Idstring Array variable initially set to the set of H323ID addresses of the caller. The length of the array is 0 if the caller doesn’t have an H323ID address.
callerE164string For H.323 calls only, an array variable initially set to the set of E.164 addresses of the caller. The length of the array is 0 if the caller doesn’t have an E.164 address.
callerTelUristring Array variable initially set to the set of Tel URI addresses of the caller. The length of the array is 0 if the caller doesn’t have a Tel URI address.
callerSipUristring Array variable initially set to the set of SIP URI addresses of the caller. The length of the array is 0 if the caller doesn’t have a SIP URI address.
vmrOrLyncConfIdstring The value supplied here becomes the return value from the "getConferenceRoomOrID()" function. Use this field only when simulating an outbound call from a VMR, Skype conference ID-based conference, or conference generated from a SIP conference factory.
callerProvisionedboolean The value supplied here becomes the return value from the " isCallerProvisioned() " function. Default value is False
callerRegisteredboolean The value supplied here becomes the return value from the " isCallerRegistered() " function. Default value is False
isPolyEvoboolean The value supplied here becomes the return value from the " isPolyEvoCall() " function. Default value is False
isSipMrcboolean The value supplied here becomes the return value from the " isSipMrcCall() " function. Default value is False
callerDeviceIdstring The device Id.