The request to use to initiate a debug session of the preliminary script. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-dial-rule-preliminary-debug-request+xml. All attributes are used in ETag calculation except for entity-tag and atom-link.
Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
dtmfDigits | string | For VEQ only. This is the DTMF_STRING variable in the script. This will be used to evaluate/modify the DTMF digits entered by caller. | |
callerSite | string | A site to use to set the first four caller variables. CALLER_SITE_AREA_CODE CALLER_SITE_COUNTRY_CODE CALLER_SITE_DIGITS CALLER_SITE_NAME | |
callerH323Id | string | Array variable initially set to the set of H323ID addresses of the caller. The length of the array is 0 if the caller doesn’t have an H323ID address. | |
callerE164 | string | For H.323 calls only, an array variable initially set to the set of E.164 addresses of the caller. The length of the array is 0 if the caller doesn’t have an E.164 address. | |
callerTelUri | string | Array variable initially set to the set of Tel URI addresses of the caller. The length of the array is 0 if the caller doesn’t have a Tel URI address. | |
callerSipUri | string | Array variable initially set to the set of SIP URI addresses of the caller. The length of the array is 0 if the caller doesn’t have a SIP URI address. | |
vmrOrLyncConfId | string | The value supplied here becomes the return value from the "getConferenceRoomOrID()" function. Use this field only when simulating an outbound call from a VMR or Lync conference ID-based conference. | |
callerProvisioned | boolean | The value supplied here becomes the return value from the " isCallerProvisioned() " function. Default value is False | |
callerRegistered | boolean | The value supplied here becomes the return value from the " isCallerRegistered() " function. Default value is False | |
isPolyEvo | boolean | The value supplied here becomes the return value from the " isPolyEvoCall() " function. Default value is False | |
isSipMrc | boolean | The value supplied here becomes the return value from the " isSipMrcCall() " function. Default value is False | |
callerDeviceId | string | The device Id. | |
script | string | An executable Javascript script which will be debugged using attributes of this request. | Mandatory |
dialString | string | This is the DIAL_STRING variable in the script, which is initially set to the dial string being evaluated. | Mandatory |
sipInvite | string | This is the SIP INVITE to use to test the script | Mandatory |